A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use AngularJS Development

Angular, the successor to AngularJS, is a programming platform for mobile and web application development that uses Typescript, JavaScript, and other programming languages. AngularJS web application development is immensely popular when it comes to developing websites that see heavy traffic, and is equally adept at building solutions for web, mobile web, native mobile, and native desktop applications.


The platform is maintained by a core AngularJS development team at Google along with a thriving community of developers. The platform has a prominent ecosystem, with constant support from many popular IDEs, four data libraries, critical tools, multiple UI components, and learning material, all of which make this platform immensely popular – a sign that this platform is here for the long run. 


AngularJS web application development is particularly preferred to build single-page web applications and linking HTML forms to models and JavaScript controllers. The new Angular is written in Typescript rather than JavaScript, which has many benefits. 


The AngularJS web application development framework contains a closely integrated toolset that helps develop well defined, rich applications in a modular fashion – that requires less code and provides more flexibility. AngularJS web application development broadens HTML that add functionality to the markups and developers to create powerful dynamic templates, individual directives, and craft reusable components. 


It also supports two-way data binding, connecting HTML (views) to JavaScript objects seamlessly. In layman’s terms, it means all updates on the model will reflect in your view in real time with any DOM manipulation.


AngularJS mobile app development is enriched with services in addition to XHR that simplify the code and allow abstraction of API calls into reusable services. This helps developers transfer the model and business logic to the front-end and build back-end agnostic web apps.


How to start developing a web application? 


Developers will be well served using the following steps while build a web application. 

  • Define the goals of the project
  • Identify the end users 
  • Understand who the competitors are 
  • Highlight key aspects of the offering
  • Understand and decide on the development cost


The following steps are critical while building any Angular app:


  • While proceeding with AngularJS development, we need to call the ng-app directive, which can be written in any HTML tag to load Angular applications.
  • The ng-app directive is the root of AngularJS application development, and only one application can be run per web page, after which we need to name the application.
  • It is a good idea to add some JS code, but before we do so, we must tether the AngularJS application development library and the code will be in the app.js file. To add Angular to this project, use the Bower manager, and save the components to the /lib folder.
  • The next step is to set the initial state of the application, where the square brackets in the installer are responsible for downloading any dependencies required in the dependency injection pattern. To add the first controller and bind it to the DOM, we declare a new controller in Angular as follows: 
    • data-ad-client=”ca-pub-8834194653550774″ 
    • data-ad-slot=”irv_336x280″ 
    • data-full-width-responsive=”true”>

      Our controller (AppController) is named similar to our base module, and we use a string connection to specify that the $ scope variable is a dependency on our controller.
  • Another directive in AngularJS development is the ngClick, with which we set the behaviour of an element when it is clicked and helps us bypass all event handlers. Here, we can directly use the ngClick directive and feed the required value as input, because of two-way data binding.
  • The ngRepeat directive makes it easier to loop through arrays, which is especially useful in AngularJS mobile app development as it helps reduce development time. In an HTML template, one can connect the ngRepeat directive to the element whose content has to be looped through, and the user variable will be replaced with the value at the specific iteration.


These are some of the basic functions that can be performed at the initial stages of AngularJS mobile app development and can be further enhanced with advanced knowledge of Angular.


If you are looking for application development services that include AngularJS mobile app development, contact Smart Sight Innovations. Our experienced and intuitive development team build state-of-the-art applications using the latest technological offerings. 

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