Can CRM Revolutionise The Transportation And Logistic Industry?

Customer satisfaction is what drives your growth and excellence in the industry and the better your client experience is, the easier it is to fix your competitors and stay ahead of the race.

Combating the operational challenge

In the transportation industry, the compliance norms and the regulation systems are different in every country and managing the cross globe operations for shipping goods is an arduous challenge. As more and more global manufacturers in industries such as IT, automotive and consumer goods continue to outsource their logistical requirements, a lot depends on how logistic service providers (LSPs) can keep optimising and evolving innovative approaches to customer satisfaction in terms of on-time delivery, performance, competitive pricing, and effective order management.

A sound CRM strategy can not only address the many operational challenges faced by the logistic industry; it can drive up great profitability through skillful and qualitative customer interaction. Here’s why it makes sense for LSPs to invest in a robust CRM platform and empower their businesses.

  • Whether it is shipping, import and export activity, freight and cargo, a powerful CRM software program can integrate the processes and solutions in one place, strengthen your sales cycle, organise your contacts in your supply and provide a systematic step-by-step approach to measure and control everything.
  • Even dangerous or perishable goods can be effortlessly delivered on time because a well-built CRM mechanism keeps you updated on customer interaction and purchase processing.
  • Whether you import or export goods through air, ocean or surface, you can collect the most critical and valuable data using CRM. In addition, you can raise and analyse quotations with ease and precision and swiftly translate them into orders with elaborate details and corresponding country charges.
  • A well- structured CRM makes it possible to automate administrative tasks and organize the workflow for various tasks, thereby excluding the need to fill forms, write reports, create proposals and do extensive calculations.  Instead, the time can be utilized by working staff to increase their productivity and thus promote a healthy working culture
  • To maximise your opportunities, you need to explore new territories, launch innovative services and target various industries. A CRM platform will accelerate the need to communicate with clients and partners and create a loyal and vibrant customer base while ensuring the exponential growth of the business.
  • If you can see and enlist the tasks that need to be executed for your customers, it gives you a better insight and personal understanding of what your customer exactly expects from you. The CRM platform allows you to integrate all your business processes and monitor them from one central dashboard. The organised data helps in managing the competitive pricing and delivery options.
  • Through a well-organised CRM platform, you can tap into industry knowledge and best practices, know your customer preferences and finally identify your potential clients. This is a great way to enhance customer loyalty and realise the need to filter futile and irrelevant customers
  • Transparency is the key to success and growth.  When you have visibility in every aspect of your production and distribution chain, it ensures faster execution of tasks, better evaluation and impact assessment, smooth operation and time management and quicker results. Thank CRM technology that has streamlined communication, enhanced productivity, increased professionalism and created a sound alignment for the organization.
  • A CRM equips you with tools to manage your customers through a visible database, as well as track important parameters and relationships with your lead prospects.
  • Through the visibility, efficiency, and scalability of a CRM, it is certain that you will get a nice return on your investment (ROI)
  • Today business development and sustainability of LSPs are directly proportional to capabilities and functional features of the CRM application and how best it fits into the IT ecosystem.
  • CRM can upgrade the transportation logistics service in business operations, vehicle and infrastructure management by way of enclosing interaction and activities at all nodes with a view to policy, regulation and contract requirements.
  • Customised CRM system can be synchronised with electronic databases for continuous updates of current status and location of the cargo.
  • CRM can upgrade the transportation logistics service business in operations, vehicle and infrastructure management by way of enclosing interaction and activities at all nodes with a view to policy, regulation and contract requirements.
  • To provide exceptional service to customers and regularly communicate with them, logistic service providers must build different communication channels with a focus on creating trusted and long-term relationships. It is mandatory for the LSPs to have complete information about their customers on their fingertips – their complaints, opportunities, likes, dislikes, campaigns, competitors, brand choices, order records, offers, etc. Also the most important is the tracking of customer orders and their expected arrival at their destinations. With the help of CRM, when service, order and opportunity management are all unified within the IT solution landscape the information is shared with sales and service professionals who will further leverage the information to yield the best results and boost the overall customer experience.
  • Going by the evolving customer trends, there is a growing need to have a sound CRM strategy and choose a sustainable and scalable solution stack to understand the actual benefits of IT and utilize it as a tool for driving your business growth.
  • The global environment is challenging and fiercely competitive. Large scale logistics service providers have started realizing how significant it is for large workforces across different geographies to stay connected in the real-time environment and gain access to complete information about logistic partners, third-party vendors, different transit points and also have the capability to track a particular consignment at any given time.

Today if you have to grow, prosper and reach new heights, possessing a CRM that gives you complete transparency and perfect forecasting is your driver for growth. What’s more, you will be scaling like never before.

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