10 Reasons Why You Must Choose Custom Ecommerce Web Development

When businesses choose to tap into the ecommerce segment, often the most critical decision is choosing whether to go with an off-the-shelf product or develop a custom solution. A unique customer experience leads to increased retention of users, and custom ecommerce website development facilitates building distinct features that set you apart from competition.


In the current market, ecommerce development services are increasingly emphasising the effectiveness of custom ecommerce website development. Custom ecommerce website development provides greater control, flexibility, and scalability as compared to off-the-shelf options, and streamline entire processes so that organisations can incorporate relevant features for smooth operational efficiency. 


Studies predict that in 2021, more than 2.14 billion people would be making online purchases on around 20 million ecommerce websites! 


Such mindboggling figures drive businesses to create a presence for themselves online to capture a slice of the ever-growing market. The internet has had a telling impact on almost every area of people’s lives, right from entertainment, socializing, work and shopping. The current generation only knows a world with the internet and its amazing reach, unlike the pre-internet generations for whom the internet was a kind of novelty. The increasingly easier reach ensures instantaneous sales, and this has further improved since the onset of the global pandemic, which has led to people completing purchases from the comfort of their own homes.


Before we begin with the reasons to choose a custom eCommerce web development, let us first understand what is custom website development?


What is Custom Ecommerce Web Development? 

Any custom solution is one that is slightly more sophisticated than a readily available alternative, built as per the needs of the enterprise. Businesses, by choosing custom ecommerce website development, are able to leverage the latest that technology offers, instead of having to compromise on features. Here, we look at the main reasons businesses are better served opting for custom ecommerce website development.


1. Mobile Friendly Website 

A responsive mobile-friendly ecommerce website changes its layout based on the device. Developers can leverage mobile responsive design techniques to provide a clean layout to the end user. Another important factor is that Google’s algorithm ranks websites with a mobile friendly design higher than those that do not.


2. Better Organic Ranking

Search engines direct a lot of traffic to ecommerce domains and custom website development ensures robust SEO features are built into your site, that lead to higher conversion ratios.


3. Sell Products with Customizable Options

Recent studies indicate that consumers are willing to pay an additional 20% for customizable products as compared to standard products. Off-the-shelf options usually do not have deep product customization options. Businesses, especially those that offer products with deep customization such as multiple colour options and size and matching products, perform better with custom ecommerce web development to provide a seamless shopping experience to their customers. 


4. Third Party API Integration

APIs help ecommerce retailers to get detailed insights into customers to provide tailor made products that increase sales. 


5. Payment Gateway Integration

Payments – a critical aspect of ecommerce web development – should be a smooth and secure process for users, and custom website development allows organisations to provide multiple options to users.


6. Increased Security

Security is a key factor to consider before deciding on the platform, as ecommerce websites collect highly sensitive personal and financial data of users, and any laxity here could result in loss of reputation and customer trust. Custom solutions ensure websites are more secure.


7. Customized reports

Tailor made solutions help understand customer behaviour by providing practical observations through specific reports and help optimize sales funnels by reducing cart abandonment ratios. 


8. Drop-shipping

The latest ecommerce trends include drop-shipping capabilities that enable businesses to collaborate with shipping service providers on the same platform to provide multiple delivery options to buyers. 


9. Custom Shipping

Ecommerce stores that provide a larger range of products need specific shipping requirements such as weight-based and volumetric shipping charges, features that custom solutions make easily integrable.


10. Reduce Payroll

With online stores taking care of many processes, there is no need for a large staff, which leads to reduced expenses.


If you are looking for ecommerce development services to take your business online, contact the experts at Smart Sight Innovations for a free quote.  


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