7 Reasons to Build Your Own Custom Database

Data is at the core of the business. It covers data that flows in from various sources and data that is generated from within the company touching sales, inventory, personnel, vendors and customers. A small company may start by using excel sheets and then progress to the Access database. It works for small operations but as you grow you will find just how unsatisfactory it is. This is when small enterprises may think of buying a standard database management solution. In itself, it may be a step up but standard database solutions prove inadequate. Either they have too many features most of which are not required or lack certain features. This bogs down users and also imposes a load on the IT infrastructure. Customized database solutions can make all the difference and there are 7 convincing reasons to opt for custom databases.

  1.  Databases aligned with your company’s operations and goals

People within a company develop a certain way of thinking and working while handling databases. If they must work efficiently and deliver productive results the database solutions must be intuitively designed to adapt to their way of thinking and working. Retain custom database design and development services and the first thing they do is analyze your operations in order to design a system that works this way. The result is your employees will love to use the system.


  1. Compact, speedy databases

Employees in most businesses are overloaded with work and will soon tire of database systems that are slow and require a lot of steps to perform certain operations. Database development services put in place a modular, lean and compact system that works fast and deliver results instantaneously. Compact systems also reduce the load on your IT infrastructure and the way databases are implemented you have fewer or nil instances of data corruption. The way the solution is designed, employees or the administrator can archive data, keep some data current and speed up operations. Employees spend less time inputting data and more time on productive work. As you grow so will your database and the right solution scales up without any extra work.


  1. Centralized repository

Custom database solutions company creates a centralized database repository. It is inherently secure. Still, employees at various levels can access the type of information they want and permissions can be set about access. A centralized repository also means that data inflows go into the repository and generated data also accumulates here. You do not miss out on any vital bit of information. This means fast access and speedy decisions that make you more competitive. Build analytics into the solution with the help of database development services and your productivity improves even more as you derive intelligence.

  • Sales: Employees in sales can quickly input data and access information pertaining to sales down to the last detail.
  • HR: Managing employees and employee records becomes easier, leading to more accuracy and less dissatisfaction.
  • Inventory and manufacturing: Your production people do not have to keep track manually of inventory and plan manufacturing. Custom database solutions can be programmed to set flags and alerts so you never have to face a situation where you run out of stocks of raw materials or finished products.
  • Customer management: Customer delight is what drives business and when you have at your fingertips information about customers you can serve them better. You can channel new leads, track them and convert them. Existing customers can be served in different ways once you have quick access to all their data and transactions. The database solution can even help you plan campaigns. Information you derive can help you anticipate trends, address deficiencies and improve sales.
  • Track competition: Yes, smart enterprises keep an eye on their markets and track competition by compiling data on their activities. This helps you further fine-tune strategies.


  1. Multiple queries, one answer

Suppose you want to know what a customer has bought. It is relatively simple in Excel or rudimentary databases. However, you may want to ask more questions such as location, age, economic status, data when purchased, service request and more about the product details. Now suppose you want such data about many customers. You will spend hours trying to put together all this data. On the other hand, if you have a custom database put in place by custom database Solutions Company it is a simple matter to check the appropriate boxes and watch results displayed in just a minute. Print it out and you have a solid record. Use it for further analysis.


  1. Data always keeps growing

A complex, off the rack database solution, may seem attractive but not when you are faced with the challenge of how to manage data with the passage of time. Data flows in and it is generated and must be normalized as well as fitted into appropriate categories suitable for your business. Custom database solutions by custom database design and development services develop database and management systems coupled with front end user interface that makes it easy and automated. The user interface helps you keep track, find out specific information and manage it without much loss of time or the need to put in complicated efforts. The less time you spend on managing databases and the more you spend on using information, the more productive you become.


  1. Costs less in the long term

When you think of software it is not just the cost of the software itself but the entire infrastructure it needs and the time people will spend on it. Custom database development services may charge what seems like a higher price but, in the long term, it costs less and you derive more benefit in every way.


  1. Total support

If anything goes wrong with your database your operations come to a halt. Support may be late or expensive. Opt for custom database development and you can expect prompt, efficient support. Your business will not face hitches or glitches and, better still, as you grow, your database solution is upgraded at a nominal cost.

Custom databases from Smart Sight Innovations fit your business like tailored clothes and give you an all-around boost. Just try it.

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