7 Ways to Create a Website That Is Social Media Friendly

Web designers and web owners seem to think and operate in completely different worlds. The web owner is more concerned with getting data and using it for marketing, whereas SEO and digital marketers want to get the page to rank higher on search results to get more traffic to the website. 

Businesses must avoid a situation where their websites are not social media friendly and this can be remedied by building a website from scratch, that connects to the latest social media trends or modify an existing website to ensure it is social media friendly. Here, we look at some aspects that will increase the interactions between websites and social media. 


Responsive website 

A majority of users who use social media for their interactions are moving towards mobile devices.  With this is mind, it becomes imperative that businesses build websites that provide a good experience on hand-held devices. Latest studies indicate that mobiles account for 50% of global web traffic and businesses will be well served to have a responsive website with buttons that link to social media pages. 



Buttons and icons are visual representations that easily stand out from the contents of a page. Therefore, web developers must make use of clickable graphical icons of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Pinterest on web pages, preferably at the top or in a sidebar but not so as to overlay on the text. By including buttons at the top and the bottom of webpages visitors who read the contents find it easier to share the page on various social media or to leave a comment at the click of a button. 


Commenting on social media channels

Your website may have a comments section at the bottom. The downside to this is that only visitors to your site will be able to view the comments. Instead, by showing an icon of Twitter or Facebook, visitors will be encouraged to click through and leave comments. These comments can be viewed by more people on multiple social platforms that could in turn lead to increased traffic to your website. 


Button relevance

It helps to put in some more effort to create button relevance. This means, if your visitor is on the About Us page of your website, then create social media buttons that, on being clicked, take visitors to the profile page on that particular social media. If you point them to your LinkedIn profile page, then the contents there should be impressive enough to lead to conversion. 

If you are on the product page and have an associated campaign on Twitter, then you could display the hashtag or link the Twitter hashtag to the button on that page. It is a direct jump that saves time and keeps visitors focused on the topic and such an approach will pay dividends. If you do not know how to enable this, then your website development company in India should be able to handle this for you and create a social media-friendly website with page relevant buttons to every major social media platform. 

Why redirect visitors to your social media site? The answer to this is that a visitor may not be inclined to buy on the first visit. Exploring social media gives visitors a chance to view the comments and reviews of existing customers that may then lead them towards a purchase on your website. 


Intersperse web page contents with social media screen captures as proof

The best shortcut to convince visitors is to let them read what past customers or existing customers have to say. Such comments posted on social media can be captured through screengrabs and can be interspersed with the content on the web page for a dynamic and interesting layout. 


Content is key

What makes a visitor to your website want to share the content by clicking on any one of the social media links? First, the content should be of use to the visitor and have an intrinsic value that evokes a desire within them to share the content. Another way to encourage posts on social media is by offering inducements such as discount vouchers for shares. 

The website content should be motivational enough for visitors and once they get to the content on the social media site, it too should have value. It goes without saying that if you are redirecting visitors to social media sites, the pages and content there should be constantly updated and kept interesting so as to retain the interest of the visitors. 


Reverse traffic

Not all traffic flows from website to social media. The reverse is also pretty common and happens when you post something on a social media platform with a link to your website. The link, as digital marketers will state, should take visitors to the landing page of your website. 

This is not a bad idea, but it goes bad when you do not make it a social media friendly website by asking visitors at the landing page to furnish a ton of details with nothing in it for them. Instead, create a social media-friendly website by showing a landing page and also provide an option to visitors to either furnish details if they so wish or to proceed to the relevant pages without sharing any personal details – which some visitors might be loath to do. 

It does involve a considerable effort to manage the website and social media pages simultaneously. You may want to engage a website development company in India to do it all for you, leaving you free to focus on lead conversion. You could engage Smart Sight Innovations, a premier Indian website developer and social media marketing expert to build a website that attracts traffic by linking it to social media platforms.

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