Crypto Regulations by Country: A Global Overview (Part 1)

Crypto Regulations by Country - A Global Overview (Part 1)Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual money that run on decentralized blockchain-based networks and employ encryption for security. Traditional currencies are issued by governments and central banks and cryptocurrencies rely on a distributed ledger, known as a blockchain, to record and verify transactions.

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency that was introduced in 2009.  A wide range of cryptocurrencies also known as altcoins have surfaced, each with distinct characteristics and uses.

For instance, Ethereum developed the idea of smart contracts, allowing self-executing and programmable agreements within the blockchain. According to research, the total anticipated value of the cryptocurrency market in August 2023 was $US 1.09 trillion, with Bitcoin accounting for 47% of that value.

By 2030, the global market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5%. The popularity of cryptocurrencies as a class of financial assets, a means of trade, and a technology that has the potential to completely transform numerous industries is growing. 

Through the creation of new avenues for monitoring, innovation, and investment, they have transformed the financial sector. Governments around the globe are arguing over how to manage digital assets properly as their importance keeps growing.

This article explores the various regulations brought into effect by major countries and how they can shape the application and usage of cryptocurrencies.


Importance of Understanding Global Crypto Regulations

Below are some reasons for understanding the global cryptocurrency laws:

1. Cross-Border Transactions

Cryptocurrencies operate on a global scale, transcending national boundaries. Understanding global regulations is essential for individuals and businesses engaged in cross-border transactions, ensuring compliance with the varying legal requirements of different jurisdictions.


2. Investor Confidence

The stability and maturity of cryptocurrency markets largely depend on regulatory certainty. Clarity in regulations fosters investor confidence, encouraging broader participation in the crypto space. Conversely, regulatory ambiguity can lead to market volatility and hinder mainstream adoption.


3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have the potential to drive innovation and entrepreneurship. A clear regulatory framework provides the necessary foundation for businesses to develop, invest, and innovate within the crypto ecosystem, fostering growth and technological advancement.


4. Consumer Protection

Global regulations play a crucial role in ensuring consumer protection. Robust regulatory frameworks help prevent fraud, scams, and illicit activities, creating a safer environment for individuals to engage with cryptocurrencies.


5. International Collaboration

The interconnected nature of the global financial system necessitates international collaboration on cryptocurrency regulations. Countries working together can address challenges such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities associated with digital assets.


Global Overview of Cryptocurrency Regulation 

The global overview of cryptocurrency regulations highlights the diverse approaches countries take to navigate the complexities of this evolving landscape. Understanding these regulations is paramount for participants in the crypto space, providing the knowledge needed to navigate legal frameworks, foster innovation, and contribute to the responsible and sustainable growth of the global cryptocurrency ecosystem. 

As the crypto industry continues to mature, staying informed about regulatory developments worldwide becomes not just a strategic advantage but a fundamental necessity. The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies varies significantly from one country to another, creating a complex web of rules, guidelines, and legal frameworks. 


United States Cryptocurrency Regulations 

The US has established a complex regulatory framework with both federal and state-level authorities, and the cryptocurrency industry is flourishing there. To understand how the United States addresses the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrencies, one must grasp this dynamic regulatory framework.

  • Federal Agencies and Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency regulations in the United States are spread across various federal agencies, each focusing on different facets of this digital asset class. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a significant role in overseeing securities-related aspects of cryptocurrencies, treating some tokens as securities subject to federal securities laws. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) classifies certain cryptocurrencies as commodities, regulating them under the Commodity Exchange Act.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has also stepped into the regulatory arena, issuing guidelines on the taxation of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency transactions, according to the IRS, are subject to taxation, including capital gains tax.

Know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) laws are enforced for cryptocurrency-related businesses by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) which is a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This regulatory framework is designed to prevent illicit activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing. These federal agencies collectively shape the regulatory landscape, aiming to balance innovation and consumer protection within the cryptocurrency space.


  • State-Level Regulations in the U.S.

Individual states in the U.S. play a crucial role in shaping cryptocurrency regulations. Each state has the authority to create its own rules, resulting in a patchwork of regulations that can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another.

New York, for instance, implemented the BitLicense framework, a licensing regime for cryptocurrency businesses, aimed at encouraging innovation while ensuring consumer protection. Other states, such as Wyoming and Texas, have taken a more crypto-friendly approach, introducing legislation to attract blockchain and cryptocurrency businesses.

This state-level divergence in regulatory approaches has led to challenges for businesses operating across multiple jurisdictions within the U.S. Navigating this regulatory patchwork requires an extensive understanding of the specific requirements and compliance measures set by each state.


  • Ongoing Legislative Developments in the U.S. Crypto Regulations

The landscape of cryptocurrency regulations in the United States is continually evolving, with ongoing legislative developments reflecting the government’s efforts to keep pace with the rapidly changing crypto industry.

Several bills have been proposed to address different aspects of cryptocurrency regulation. These include bills focusing on defining digital assets, clarifying the SEC’s authority over certain tokens, and proposing a regulatory framework for stablecoins.

Moreover, discussions around the creation of a digital dollar, the U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC), have gained traction. The potential introduction of a CBDC could have profound implications for the broader cryptocurrency market and how digital assets are perceived and regulated in the country.

As these legislative developments unfold, stakeholders in the cryptocurrency space closely monitor and actively engage in discussions to shape the regulatory landscape in a way that promotes innovation, protects investors, and ensures the stability of the financial system.

The United States’ approach to cryptocurrency regulations is characterized by a multifaceted system involving federal agencies, state-level initiatives, and ongoing legislative efforts. This intricate regulatory framework reflects the country’s commitment to promoting innovation while addressing the challenges associated with the dynamic and rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape.


European Union Crypto Regulations 

The European Union (EU), a hub of financial innovation, has been actively developing a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies to ensure financial stability and consumer protection. 

  • AMLD5 and AMLD6 Directives

The EU has been at the forefront of global efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies effectively, recognizing the need to address the potential risks associated with digital assets. Aiming to improve transparency and stop the illegal use of cryptocurrencies, the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) was implemented in January 2020 and expanded AML and KYC requirements to virtual currency exchanges and wallet providers.

Building upon the foundation laid by AMLD5, the EU introduced the 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD6). This directive, currently in the legislative process, seeks to further strengthen AML and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regulations within the cryptocurrency space.

If enacted, AMLD6 would introduce additional measures to combat financial crime and enhance the integrity of the financial system.


  • EU-Wide Cryptocurrency Regulatory Framework

Beyond the AML directives, the EU has been working towards establishing a comprehensive and harmonized regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. In June 2023, the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) of the European Union came into effect.

By mid-2024 or mid-2025, all member nations will have standard market regulations for crypto assets thanks to the regulation, and they are already working to align their domestic laws with these criteria.

This broader framework aims to provide legal clarity, promote innovation, and create a level playing field for businesses operating in the digital asset space across EU member states. The regulatory approach emphasizes the importance of balancing innovation with consumer protection and systemic stability.

Another key piece of regulation in the EU is the MiFID II/MiFIR framework that came into effect in January, 2018, to increase transparency in European financial markets and strengthen investor protection. This regulation covers all crypto-assets that fall under the category of financial instruments including:

  • Transferable securities
  • Money-market instruments
  • Derivative instruments such as options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements, and securities-related derivative contracts
  • Currencies
  • Commodities in cash or that can be physically settled


  • Post-Brexit Cryptocurrency Regulations in the UK

The withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the EU, known as Brexit, has introduced new dynamics to the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies. While the UK initially adhered to EU regulations, post-Brexit, it has the flexibility to develop its own approach to crypto regulations.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK has played a key role in shaping cryptocurrency regulations. In January 2020, the FCA implemented its own set of rules requiring businesses conducting crypto-related activities, including exchanges and wallet providers, to register with the regulatory authority.

However, in January 2021, the FCA announced a ban on crypto derivatives and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) due to concerns about consumer protection.

The divergence in regulatory approaches post-Brexit emphasizes the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the UK in shaping its cryptocurrency regulations independently of EU directives. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, the UK’s regulatory stance is likely to impact its competitiveness and attractiveness as a hub for cryptocurrency-related businesses.


  • Key Regulatory Aspects

MiCA regulations were brought into effect to ensure that each type of service and activity was identified differentially based on their associated risks. MiCA regulations apply to three main types of tokens — asset-referenced tokens, e-money tokens, and other crypto-assets.

  1. Asset-referenced tokens include crypto-assets that are purportedly stable as they are referenced by the value of one or more fiat currencies, commodities, crypto-assets, or a combination of such assets.
    b. E-money tokens are a means of exchange that apparently have a stable value by referring to the value of a fiat currency that is legal tender.
  2. Issuers of all other types of crypto assets cannot make a public offer on any trading platform within the EU without first establishing themselves as a legal entity, submitting a draft white paper about said crypto-asset and notifying the white paper to an NCA (National Competent Authority) within their respective country.


Canada’s Cryptocurrency Landscape

Canada has emerged as a welcoming environment for cryptocurrency innovation, characterized by a regulatory approach that combines federal oversight with provincial autonomy. Its regulatory landscape continues to evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency industry.

While federal frameworks provide a broad structure, provincial regulations add granularity, creating a diverse yet coherent regulatory environment. This balance between federal oversight and provincial autonomy positions Canada as a jurisdiction that fosters innovation while prioritizing investor protection and regulatory compliance within the cryptocurrency sector.


  • Provincial Regulations

One distinctive feature of cryptocurrency regulations in Canada is the decentralized nature of governance, where each province has the authority to enact its own rules. This approach recognizes the diverse economic landscapes and preferences within the country. 

1. Ontario 

As Canada’s most populous province and a financial hub, Ontario has taken notable steps to regulate cryptocurrency exchanges. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has been actively involved in overseeing the crypto space, and the province has seen the introduction of regulatory requirements for cryptocurrency exchanges operating within its jurisdiction.

2. Quebec

Quebec, known for its abundant and relatively inexpensive hydroelectric power, has become a popular destination for cryptocurrency mining operations. The province’s regulatory approach focuses on ensuring that these mining activities adhere to environmental standards while also complying with financial regulations.

3. British Columbia  

With a burgeoning tech industry, British Columbia has shown a progressive attitude toward cryptocurrency businesses. The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) has been involved in providing guidance on token offerings and crypto-related activities.


  • Key Regulatory Frameworks

At the federal level, Canada has established key regulatory frameworks that contribute to the overall stability and legitimacy of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

1. Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) 

As Canada’s financial intelligence unit, FINTRAC plays a vital role in combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Cryptocurrency exchanges and other businesses in the crypto space are subject to reporting requirements to ensure compliance with AML regulations.

2. Securities Regulations

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) governs securities regulations across the country. While there is no specific federal framework for cryptocurrency securities, the CSA provides guidance on how existing securities laws may apply to certain crypto assets, depending on their characteristics.

3. Consumer Protection Regulations

To protect the interests of cryptocurrency users, Canada has put rules in place in keeping with its commitment to consumer protection. This includes measures to address fraud, scams, and other illicit activities that may pose risks to consumers participating in the crypto market.

4. Income Tax Regulations

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has provided guidance on the taxation of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency transactions are generally subject to taxation, with the CRA treating them as taxable events, including capital gains tax.


  • Key Regulatory Aspects

  1. The CSA’s latest regulations passed in July 2023 outlines its expectations regarding the operations of Public Crypto Asset Funds within the framework of National Instrument Investment Funds.
  2. The OSC’s decision passed in 2019 led to the release of the first prospectus for a Canadian Pubic Crypto Asset Fund and the subsequent launch of the first exchange traded funds (ETFs) in the world that invest directly in bitcoin and ether. As of April 30, 2023, there are 22 Public Crypto Asset Funds in Canada that collectively have approximately $2.86 billion in net assets. These Canadian Public Crypto Asset Funds currently only invest in bitcoin and/or ether, and achieve this primarily through direct holdings of those crypto assets.
  3. While determining whether a specific crypto asset is suitable for public investment, the CSA identified three primary aspects —
    (i) whether the fair value of the crypto asset can be arrived at
    (ii) the market liquidity of the crypto asset, and
    (iii) the nature of the crypto asset and its implications on the market


China’s Cryptocurrency Landscape

China, a major player in the global cryptocurrency scene, has undergone a significant transformation in its approach to digital assets. In 2021, China escalated its regulatory efforts against cryptocurrency activities within its borders.

  • Cryptocurrency Trading

The Chinese government, through the People‘s Bank of China (PBOC), banned crypto enterprises, signaling a definitive end to the era of domestic cryptocurrency exchanges. Their cause stated that these enterprises allowed public financing without the necessary approvals.

Previously, these exchanges played a significant role in the global crypto market, facilitating a substantial portion of Bitcoin trading. The prohibition aimed to curb financial risks associated with speculative trading and to maintain control over the country’s financial system.


  • Cryptocurrency Mining

China’s influence in the cryptocurrency mining sector was also notable, with a considerable share of the world’s Bitcoin mining taking place within its borders. However, in a surprising move, authorities clamped down on cryptocurrency mining operations in May 2021.


Development of the Digital Renminbi as a CBDC

With its crackdown on traditional cryptocurrencies, China has also been actively developing the Digital Renminbi, a government-backed digital currency issued by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). This initiative aims to modernize the country’s financial infrastructure, enhance financial inclusion, and provide a controlled alternative to decentralized cryptocurrencies.


  • Pilots and Trials 

The Digital Renminbi or digital yuan has undergone several pilot programs in various cities across China. These trials involved testing the digital currency in real-world scenarios, including retail transactions and salary payments. The successful execution of these trials marked significant progress in the development and implementation of the Digital Renminbi.


  • Centralized Control 

Unlike decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the Digital Renminbi is centralized and fully controlled by the Chinese government. This allows authorities to monitor transactions, combat money laundering, and maintain control over the country’s monetary policy. However, it also raises concerns about user privacy and the potential for increased state surveillance.


  • International Implications

China’s development of a CBDC has broader international implications, potentially influencing the global landscape of digital currencies. The Digital Renminbi could facilitate cross-border transactions, challenging the dominance of traditional international payment systems.

China’s cryptocurrency landscape reflects a dual approach: a crackdown on decentralized cryptocurrencies to mitigate financial risks and environmental concerns, and the simultaneous development of the Digital Renminbi to establish a government-controlled digital currency. The ongoing evolution of China’s crypto strategy will likely continue shaping the global narrative surrounding digital currencies and their role in the future of finance.


Japan’s Crypto-Friendly Regulatory Approach 

Japan’s crypto-friendly regulatory approach, characterized by its licensing system for cryptocurrency exchanges and commitment to ongoing updates, demonstrates a delicate balance between fostering innovation and ensuring consumer protection. The proactive approach makes it a major player in the global cryptocurrency scene, helping to shape the development of regulatory frameworks aimed at responsibly utilizing the potential of digital assets.

  • Licensing System for Cryptocurrency Exchanges

One of the key pillars of Japan’s crypto-friendly regulatory approach is the establishment of a licensing system for cryptocurrency exchanges. Introduced in 2017, this system is administered by the Financial Services Agency (FSA), Japan’s financial regulatory body. The goal is to create a regulated environment that fosters innovation while ensuring the security and integrity of the cryptocurrency market.


  • Regulatory Updates 

Japan’s regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is not static; it evolves to address emerging challenges and opportunities. Ongoing updates and developments play a crucial role in shaping the country’s crypto ecosystem.


  • Revision of the Payment Services Act (PSA)

Japan has made significant amendments to its Payment Services Act to accommodate the growing influence of cryptocurrencies. The revised act recognizes cryptocurrencies as a legitimate means of payment. This legal recognition has contributed to the broader acceptance of digital assets within the country.


  • Security Token Offerings (STOs)

Japan has shown an openness to exploring new fundraising avenues within the crypto space. It has introduced guidelines for STOs, providing a regulatory framework for tokenized securities. Japan’s determination to promote innovation while upholding regulatory clarity is reflected in this action.


  • Key Regulatory Aspects

The third legal reform of the Crypto Asset Regulatory Framework that came into effect in 2022 created a new environment for stablecoins by expanding the use of stablecoins abroad and inking international agreements such as the FSB high-level recommendations.

On the other hand, it also allowed for an increased insight into the stablecoin regulations in various jurisdictions.

Stablecoin issuers in Japan must be licensed as banks, fund transfer service providers, or trust companies to provide users with clear redemption rights.

While banks can issue stablecoins as deposits, stablecoin holders are protected by deposit insurance just like traditional bank deposits. Fund transfer service providers may issue stablecoins as claims on outstanding obligations and must secure them bank guarantees, such as bank deposits and government bonds.

Trust companies in Japan can also issue stablecoins that are treated as trust beneficiary rights, but they must  hold all assets in the form of bank deposits. All other types of digital-assets that are not designated as stablecoins by the FSC in Japan are grouped in the same category as Bitcoin. These include algorithmic stablecoins like Terra and non-redemption stablecoins like DAI.


South Korea’s Dynamic Crypto Regulations 

South Korea, a technological powerhouse in Asia, has been navigating the cryptocurrency landscape with a regulatory approach that aims to strike a balance between innovation and ensuring financial integrity. South Korea places a strong emphasis on combating illicit activities, including money laundering and terrorist financing, within the cryptocurrency sector. To achieve this, the country has implemented robust AML and KYC requirements.


  • AML & KYC Compliance 

Cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea are also subject to stringent AML regulations to detect and prevent money laundering activities. Users are typically required to provide identification documents for KYC, such as government-issued IDs and proof of residence, to register on cryptocurrency platforms to ensure exchanges have a clear understanding of their user base, promoting transparency and accountability.


  • Licensing for Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Licensing is a key component of South Korea’s regulatory framework for cryptocurrency exchanges, providing a structured and controlled environment for the operation of these platforms. Cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea are required to obtain licenses from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) to operate legally.


  • Key Regulatory Aspects

In March 2023, South Korea passed the Virtual Asset User Protection (VASP) Act, which defines virtual assets as digital representations of value that can be traded or transferred electronically, and sets out the basic rights and obligations of the users and the service providers.

The latest proposal, which was announced in December 2023, and which will come into effect from July 2024 broadly outline the following aspects:

  • With an intent to protect users’ assets, VASPs are required to separate users’ deposits from their own assets. According to these regulations, VASPs should also hold sufficient reserves in cold wallets (offline wallets), which are more secure than hot wallets (online wallets that are more likely to be hacked).
  • VASPs must make their ownership structure transparent and must not block users’ withdrawals without justification. VASPs are also required to disclose whether they own or hold any crypto assets, and report their transactions and balances to the FSC on a regular basis.
  • VASPs in South Korea have to pay a fee to their users to use their deposits, which are either insured or have mutual aid coverage to protect the users’ interests in the event of loss or damages.
  • South Korean regulations also state that multiple members should operate over 51% of the nodes, which includes electronic registries, financial institutions and account management agencies and that these members should have no connection to the issuer.
  • It also states that crypto assets on the blockchain can’t be used to make payments towards transaction fees.


We have highlighted the crypto legislation in six nations here, check here for information on other major countries.

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