Custom Mobile Apps are Crucial for Businesses

Mobile apps are developed, launched, installed and iterated almost every other day. The popularity of mobile apps has increased with the growing mobile usage and mobile internet consumption.

The year 2018 absolutely rocked for any mobile app development firm across the world.

And, with the research data pointing that there were more than 2.3 billion global smartphone users in 2017, it was obvious to find many golden handshakes between mobile app development companies and advanced technologies like IoT, AI, Machine Learning and more.

There is no end when it comes to finding and testing novel opportunities in mobile application development space. With the year nearly ending, users and businesses are much curious about the next course of disruption.

Custom mobile application development space is gaining significant attention. And according to reports and statistical data, nearly 7.5 hours of an employee’s work is saved with the use of custom mobile applications. About 82 percent of businesses believe it is a powerful tool to maximize their business earnings.

But before that, here is a quick list of advantages that custom mobile app development has for businesses:

  1. Improved Productivity: There has been enough discussed and proven about the benefits that mobile apps have on sales, marketing and customer relations that ultimately reflects on profitability. But for enterprises and businesses, having a custom mobile application that can be linked to their internal teams and departments in the organization helps boost productivity in many ways. It reduces the need to log in and log out at the office and gives employees the freedom to work from anywhere and receive timely support and instruction when working off-site without geographical and operational challenges.
  2. Better Time Management: Mobile app development for the enterprise and business customers is crucial for ‘getting the things done on time’. Reporting and time-tracking tools in apps allow users to remotely monitor tasks and measure team or employee performance online to give them feedback and guidance to complete tasks before deadlines. Custom mobile apps help optimize performance by offering anytime, anywhere access to relevant data and full visibility of processes and operations.
  3. Reduction of Operational and Administrative Cost: Imagine the amount of money that businesses would save if they invest in an app powered with chatbots to take over customer support, social media integration and marketing, and sales automation tools! This means freedom from additional expenses involved in the management, training, and development of teams for customer support, digital marketing and other departments.
  4. Faster Reach to the Target Audience: Online businesses, as opposed to their offline counterparts, have massive scale of reach. Given that the number of global mobile users is expected to reach 4.68 billion by 2019, businesses will have easier access to their target audience to pitch and drive conversion. Moreover, in the current digital age, mobile consumers are more accessible than offline prospects.
  5. Foster Meaningful Customer Relationships: Since mobile apps act as a direct link between businesses and their customers, the need for middlemen and other stakeholders does not exist. In case customers have queries or want to approach customer services team, mobile apps enable direct interaction and communication, guaranteeing long-term relationship with customers.
  6. Better Brand Visibility: In the current digital era, mobile apps on the Google Play Store or Apple Store alongside the reviews and ratings give businesses and brands enough visibility and opportunity to monetize on their digital presence. Most businesses and brands should aim at building unique and intuitive apps that is worthy of great ranking and reviews to warrant downloads and large user base.
  7. Affordable Marketing and Publicity: In case of running an offline business there is much work needed for marketing and publicity. Mobile app development is one of the smart strategies to not only help business scale up but also communicate, reach and market its products, services or brand vision to large audience segments. It is much affordable, faster and quantifiable method of marketing and publicizing a brand.
  8. Guaranteed Security: Custom mobile apps have the higher level of security, unlike general apps that is vulnerable to security attacks and threats. Custom mobile apps can be built with proper security protocols to make sure that users’ data is not leaked or misused.
  9. Network and Device Compatibility: Businesses can leverage the widespread use of Android and iOS by building apps that are network and device agnostic. In the present mobility and digital wave, building custom mobile apps helps businesses interact and engage with different users across the globe while guaranteeing great user experience.
  10. Seamless Software Integration: Integrating with different software and tools while also ensuring security is crucial for every business. Custom-built apps can enable seamless integration.

Mobile apps are important for any business as customers across the world are becoming more tech-savvy. Workspaces are adopting mobile-first approaches and mobile apps development companies have been rolling out mobile apps for enterprise communities for growth and productivity.

Businesses, big or small need custom mobile apps for competitive advantage and operate at lesser cost.  In the future its most likely to see CIOs and other stakeholders spending a significant amount of time in choosing the best solution provider for their very own custom mobile app.

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