Post Lockdown -Bouncing Back – Education & Ed-Tech Industry

When governments realized the true impact of the Coronavirus, schools and educational institutions across the world were shut down with an intention to prevent its further spread. The field of education has since seen a sea-change in its priorities and operational methods, with classes disrupted mid-term, and institutions switching to online classes, a realistic and long term solution.

As a result of this successful transition to e-learning, there are also many other aspects that the education and ed-tech sector is now looking to inculcate, which has long been advocated by early adopters of this technology.

  • The new-age classroom:

The pandemic has fast brought about the demise of the dull lecture in a boring classroom! Such a transfer of knowledge is fast being considered as less effective with many new learning techniques available for students of all ages, who prefer a shorter span of lectures with more interactive content for a deeper understanding of principles & better learning.

  • Improved education at a better cost:

Education is proving to be expensive, with many students burdened with student loans at a very young age that take years to repay. With a two pronged approach that increases the reach of content, by making the courses available online to a larger audience and in effect also facilitate the reduction in cost of previously expensive programs, the education sector is looking to provide a win-win for all stakeholders.

  • Student satisfaction:

While customer satisfaction is an oft bandied word in the service industry, education as a service leaves a lot to be desired. Ed-tech aims to bridge this gap by providing meaningful and absorbing content that would not only deliver the required information to students, but do it in a way that is both interesting and enduring for students, who pay a significant amount to be educated.

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