While the tech industry is well placed to come out of this impasse in a better shape than many other industries, with a few companies reporting increased workloads during this period, it requires continuous monitoring along the following lines as there are certain sections that have been affected in the short term due to disturbances in the supply chain.


Strengthen position:

Tech companies are better positioned for remote work as compared to other industries and are geared to further capitalise on this aspect by providing essential services & infrastructure by filling in service gaps left by other segments.

Auxilliary services surge:

With an increase in work from home scenarios, services & businesses that support the tech industry like broadband services and remote team meeting platforms have received a shot in the arm with an unprecedented increase in demand.


Bolstered by a strong outlook, companies are now strengthening all facets of infrastructure to support a growing digital workforce like providing the required tools to its team members with latest security protocols to ensure data safety over private networks.


Both full time and contract based staff members need assurances in the long run. In such a scenario, it is pertinent to define critical functions and decide which part of operations need to remain onsite and which can be performed remotely while ensuring health and safety of all employees at all times.

Near, mid and long term planning:

Organisations are already modelling a 3 pronged plan for immediate, mid-term and long term future of their operational readiness, across verticals like tech augmentation with features like AI support, deployment of virtual assistants, effective personnel communications, supply chain enhancement, dynamic sourcing and inventory management.

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