10 Best React Development Tools in 2020

React is one of the amazingly versatile JavaScript libraries. Developers use it to create various mobile and web applications. Various platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, the New York Times, Airbnb, and Skype, are developed with React.

A react.js developer can build better apps with excellent speed. React developer tools help the developer in doing so. Here we look at the 10 most popular React development tools in 2020 that help build quality apps.


React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools from Chrome is one of the most popular React tools. It is Chrome’s official extension from Facebook for React that helps you examine the list of components rendered on the page and subcomponents that they end up generating.

The tool has multiple aspects that enable developers to inspect, select, and edit the states and props of every component and subcomponent. It offers a profile tab that helps check the effectiveness of your changes as it examines app performance. Both these features are available in Chrome inbuilt DevTools.



It is an online app that helps you build UI components. UI components are central to web development using React.js. Storybook makes the component creation aspect of React interactive and independent. It lets you create features outside of the app and analyze them in a sandbox.

It brings multiple advantages to the table, for example, you can build and measure various versions of components without bothering about the app. Storybook makes the development process quicker, accurate, and more collaborative.


Create ReactApp

Create ReactApp is developed by Facebook. This tool helps you quicken the setup process of a React IDE. There is a command-line tool which does all the imperative bits for you. It also provides a consistent structure to the app, enables developers with a front-end build pipeline, and adds the right support modules. All these features help in saving time and improving the pace of work.



The Bit is one of the most popular development tools for React developers. It is a CLI tool and is an online platform that allows you to publish React components and share them with others. You can also use Bit to search for React components created by other React developers. It is effortless to browse through these 3rd party React features and saves developers the trouble of reading their code to understand what they do.


React Styleguidist

This tool also offers an interactive method to create and share UI components. Developers will see the code on the right window. On the left window, it is rendered into a UI. Developers have the authority to test and edit the code on the affected side.


React Sight

React Sight is a chrome extension to be used in combination with ReactDevTools. One of the most significant benefits of React Sight is that it displays all the elements of your app in a live structure.


React Bootstrap

It is one of the most powerful toolkits that include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS tools to build webpages and applications. It is the best React Development tool for beginners or those who do not have expertise with these technologies.


React Proto

The React Proto has a drag and drop feature that lets you build a UI intuitively rather than having to code it.


Why did you render

As the name suggests, it alerts you in the console when an avoidable render happens. It is an essential and useful attribute to get as it is complicated to understand when React components should render and when they should not.


React Extension Pack

It is one of the most popular IDEs for JavaScript developers. It offers 40 snippets for all your generic requirements. Along with that, it provides 34 prototype specific snippets. It also contains ES Lint, that adds support for the command-line tool by the same name.


Wrapping up

These are the ten most popular React development tools used in 2020. You can take help from various React Native Development Service providers. As a React Native App development company, we recommend using more than one tool as per your requirement.

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