10 Reasons Why Front End Developers Choose AngularJS

Technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of our daily lives, be it professional or personal spheres of our activities. There are hardly any businesses that do not leverage technology to further their prospects and advance business opportunities. There are multitudes of app development technologies and frameworks, each replete with advantages and thriving communities. However, a well-established web development company would suggest an ideal app development methodology using a specific programming language or framework, depending on the business requirements. 

Here, we focus on the increasing popularity of AngularJS amongst developers and why front-end developers suggest app development using AngularJS. 

But let’s understand the basics before we move on. 


AngularJS 101

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework. It is mostly utilized to develop dynamic single-page applications. It stretches the HTML syntax to illustrate the application components in a concise manner. AngularJS can be used to create any application with its simplified front-end management while reducing the code to be developed. This is the primary reason why most organizations look for robust AngularJS development services to design apps. 


Why use AngularJS?

  • AngularJS offers more functionality with less code 
  • AngularJS allows the implementation of reusable elements
  • Instant loading for single page apps developed with AngularJS
  • Helps develop rich and responsive apps efficiently
  • Seamless maintenance of apps built on AngularJS 
  • Hassle-free unit testing on the Angular code


What is AngularJS used for?

AngularJS is an ideal framework for developing applications such as:

  • User-review applications
  • Weather applications
  • mCommerce and eCommerce applications
  • Social apps
  • Video streaming apps
  • User-generated content portals


AngularJS offers distinct features and functionalities which enables seamless development of apps and has become the popular choice among web developers. Here are the top reasons why AngularJS is preferred for developing apps. 


Easy to use and get started

AngularJS is relatively easy to use and only requires a couple of minutes and some attributes of HTML code. 



AngularJS is an open-source framework that enables developers to develop custom web or mobile applications easily and quickly. No matter the customization, a developer can create a tailor-made app using this technology. 


Compelling UI

AngularJS has a thoroughly structured UI which is simpler to learn and modify the components. Designers can quickly learn markups and design the app they intended to create. With the modification in components, developers can easily create intuitive, user-friendly apps.


Data Binding

The AngularJS template system follows two-way data binding, a highly feasible element that helps developers build apps smoothly. Here, the template is first assembled on the browser and then presents a live view. 



This feature of AngularJS is especially beneficial when it comes to producing complex web applications. It allows developers to break down the platform into multiple miniature modules to build a superior application.


High-performance apps

AngularJS provides power-packed features that incorporate Directives, Form Validation, Content Sanitization, Animations, and many more. These apps, which require minimum maintenance and contain more reliable and scalable features, make for a superior app performance. 


Reduced coding

While developing an app with AngularJS, there is no requirement to code for the MVC pipeline. This in turn reduces the volume of code and saves time for developers. Plus, HTML makes it easy to develop an application without any complications.


Frequent testing

An application developed with AngularJS permits multiple testing without creating any technical errors. Hence, developers can seamlessly test an application as often as they require to ensure that the application is error-free. 


Easy adaptability

With the AngularJS JavaScript MVC framework, it has become effortless to administer all tasks, whether simple or complex. Additionally, the binding dependence on controllers and templates leads to a sound application development.  


Managing dependencies 

AngularJS efficiently handles the complete lifecycle of objects; hence the developers do not need to despair about the namespace or instance. This framework decreases the hassle of managing dependencies and dynamic loading.


All in all, AngularJS supports easy modification of the components, testing, and customization of an application. With the features and functionality mentioned above, front-end developers can amply showcase their skills by designing an app with the best UI/UX. From compact coding to highly responsive apps, the AngularJS framework serves many other elements, which is the reason front-end developers select AngularJS over other frameworks to create a flawless application for the end-users.  

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