15 Best React Native UI Component & Animation Libraries

Based on React.JS, the React Native framework is incredibly popular among developers to build native mobile apps across both platforms. Building UI blocks is very simple and immensely convenient using React Native. First launched in 2015, the platform has become increasingly popular among app developers around the world.


Another important aspect to consider is that almost 90% of the code base used while developing Android apps with React Native is also usable in iOS.


A critical aspect of app development using React Native are the component libraries that it supports. These React Native component libraries help customize the app packages using JavaScript. We look at some of the most widely accepted React Native component libraries as well as animation libraries. 


1. NativeBase

With Nativabase, developers are empowered to build and sustain a dynamic design framework for web and mobile platforms. It also provides a variety of useful elements that make the app experience more immersive and supports design systems that are optimized for both dark and light modes.


2. Lottie for React Native

One of the most versatile React animation libraries that provides beautiful animations for your app. Developers can choose animations from the available animations that the library provides for free and can also create custom animations using Adobe After Effects. These animations can then be exported in JSON format and can be rendered natively on mobile.


3. React Native Elements

Another extensively used UI component library, it includes constituents such as overlay divider, badge, pricing, avatar and social icon buttons among others. These components can be used for mobile as well as web apps. 


4. Vector Icons

Developers can use this library to include some catchy and attractive icons on their apps. With more than 3000 icons to choose from, developers will be spoilt for choice. It also allows customization of existing icons to suit specific requirements. 


5. MapView

This module helps APIs to control map features seamlessly and provides several customizable styles for different viewing capabilities. It also supports animation and zoom features for markers.  


6. Nachos UI

A free and open-source library that helps style apps with more than 30 fully functional modules. Developers need not spend too much time styling the components and can import any of the pre-styled inputs. 


7. UI Kitten

Another open-source library that finds wide applications when building apps for multiple sectors including e-commerce. Developers can choose from the many available themes as well as create new themes without changing the source code. It also allows easy switching between light and dark themes during runtime without reloading the page. 



RNULIB empowers developers with over 60 React Native UI components. Some of the most popular components are animated images, scanners to gauge progress, personal avatars and animations for gradient sliders.


9. Shoutem

A library that provides modular building blocks and more than 40 extensions. The extensions include galleries for photos and videos, products, events, menus and more. It also allows modifications and customizations to the available extensions. 


10. Material UI

The Material UI offers more than 20 React Native UI components such as action buttons, sub-headers, drawers, toolbars and more. Changes can also be made locally by overriding the styles as and when needed. 


11. Material Kit

Another library that provides material designs such as text fields, buttons and range sliders. It also includes loading progress bars, toggles and radio buttons. 


12. React Native Paper

This library provides components across platforms for both web and mobile development. The library has in-built animations, accessibility and UI logic. 


13. Gifted Chat

With this library, developers can set up a chat UI with immense ease and its InputToolbar also helps users skip the keyboard. The library enables an enhanced experience with localized dates, multi-line text input and other features. 


14. Ignite CLI

It supports standalone plugins and developers can also choose from the multiple boilerplates provided by the library. 


15. Teaset

Teaset focuses on content display and action control and provides a highly functional environment for easy deployment of these components. 


Smart Sight Innovations’ React Native app development services provides businesses with the necessary impetus to sustain growth and capture new market opportunities.

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