8 Ways Ecommerce CRM Increases Sales Opportunities

Ecommerce CRM enables your business to have a 360-degree view of customers, ensure effective customer service, and build compelling marketing campaigns to foster customer loyalty. With stiff competition in the e-commerce segment, businesses need to build robust strategies to outpace competitors, and an ecommerce CRM will assist you in doing so.


Ecommerce CRM basics and business benefits

Ecommerce customer relationship management allows organizations to enhance personalized marketing propositions and amplify customer experiences to secure the conversion rate of your customer journeys. Such personalization can include individual promotions, discounts, and priority customer service.


Important Ecommerce CRM features

Let us see how some features of CRM help achieve your business goals:

  1. 360 degree customer review
    CRM stores the customer data, ranging from social media mentions, purchases, and email opening to assist requests. The data enables you to better understand customer behaviour and trends.
  2. Customer journey
    With ecommerce web application development, you can create a customer journey, map your customer’s route from the stage of a prospect. You can also manage and adjust your engagements with clients through each level of their journey.
  3. Personalized email marketing
    CRM software enables businesses to conduct mass email campaigns, that incorporates essential personalization to target consumers effectively. CRM uses customer data, like names, deal details, in email templates, to make communication personal, fast, and on point.
  4. Data analytics
    You can know about your best customer acquisition channels, marketing campaign effectiveness, renowned features/services, and the most active customers of your business. All this can be done by using data collected by CRM. These analyses provide a wealth of data that can direct your marketing strategy.
  5. Marketing and customer service workflow automation
    CRMs come with automation capabilities. The capabilities range from customer data entry to communication.
  6. Knowledge and case management
    This feature gives agents a single and cohesive workspace where all the essential customer data and working tools are collected. With this feature, support agents can instantly share the product/service related information with customers using spontaneous replies or smart article search.
  7. Chatbots
    A Chatbot is a useful tool for customers to resolve simple queries and reduces service costs by up to 30%. Chatbot uses CRM customer data to provide a personalized experience and can shift the chat to real agents if the query remains unresolved over chat which leads to optimum utilization of resources.
  8. Customer satisfaction tracking
    By deploying several customer satisfaction forms, you can know the position of your brand with your customers and what you can do to further enhance their experience.


Technical Aspects of Ecommerce CRM implementation

You can choose an ecommerce CRM based on two factors: a platform-based CRM solution or a customized CRM solution. If you are comfortable with licensing requirements and the proposed functionality, you can build your CRM on various platforms. Or if you have a unique sales process, the concepts of which are not already covered by platform-based solutions, then you should consider a custom CRM Development Company.

Regardless of what you choose to implement, ensure that your CRM covers the following technical aspects:

  • Your CRM should be an integration of ecommerce platforms and websites to collect the required customer data.
  • CRM must be integrated with all your channels of communication, your customer records such as phone calls, emails, messaging, social media interactions, or a community forum. It provides infinite marketing opportunities, from personalized emails to custom landing pages.
  • Your eCommerce CRM should stock up and process the humungous data collected through customer interactions and other sources. You should ensure that the CRM is reliable under every use condition and prepare for redundancies, which can be optimized in case you choose a custom solution development.


Choose a CRM keeping in mind the ROI 

Both platform-based and custom based e-commerce CRM will assist you in improving the productivity of your business as a whole. You can optimize the ROI of your custom CRM by choosing a repetitive development. In this case, you may begin operations with basic functionalities of the CRM to ensure favourable outcomes in the early stages and gradually add new features as you require them.

When we talk about ROI of platform-based CRM, companies that choose a market-leading software¸ may witness a full payback in 3 or 6 months after implementing it.


Wrapping up

If you have decided to choose an ecommerce CRM, but you are not sure about the best options for your business, we hope this post has been helpful. 

With an array of undeniable benefits and features, it will surely enhance the productivity of your business and assist you in achieving your business goals. The benefit of CRM will also depend on your Ecommerce Web Development Company, so choose wisely.

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