A Comprehensive Guide To Rapid Application Development

Google it!’ – is the most common response given to those who are looking for information, as Google today has become synonymous with search. Before 1996 no one had even heard the word. Similarly, in smartphone app development the ones in the know say ‘RAD it’, which is to say, fast track the development of the app. 

The typical development and launch cycle of a mobile app takes around 6 months, which is a significant time frame that can make or break a business. This is why the emphasis on RAD or Rapid Application Development is burgeoning day by day and is a highly sought-after deployment process that many mobile App Development Companies are increasingly looking to employ. 


RAD – The agile way of Smartphone App Development

Smartphone app development is not a straightforward process. In today’s fast-paced environment, businesses simply cannot afford to detect a glitch at the end of the development cycle, which will set their development process back by weeks. Mobile App Development Companies nowadays prefer to adopt a Rapid Application Development, an agile process to bring apps to the market quickly. The RAD process involves several steps:

  • Conceive, define and finalize the project that includes features, goals, timelines, and budget
  • Rapid prototype and development with integration and corrections as the project progresses
  • Convert prototypes and beta to final models based on feedback that may lead to tweaks before arriving upon the end product
  • Test as you go along
  • Train users and test in a real-world environment


Why use RAD?

There are several reasons to use the rapid application development model for smartphone app development.

  • One of the prime factors is time. You simply cannot afford to wait for six months to launch a mobile app, by which time many external factors may drastically change the landscape and the sector that the app was initially built to serve, thus rendering the entire project almost obsolete. RAD enables deployment within 3 months or less. If your mobile app development company already has experience in phone apps then they will have plenty of reusable code that can be used as building blocks leading to quick deployment.
  • Cost is another critical factor. The more time it takes to develop an app, the more it costs. Should it need to be reworked, it will entail additional expense with no guarantee of commensurate returns. 
  • Flexibility is inherent in the RAD model. You may agree on a set of predefined parameters, but the plan is open to the integration of other features that may occur to you as development proceeds. Likewise, some features may be removed depending on feedback and user experience. 
  • RAD relies on a small compact team. In army terms, it means fast mobilization and agility as well as an expedited achievement of the objective. A large team would introduce issues of collaboration and impede progress. 
  • Clients are in the loop which means they can provide inputs for developers to work upon, based on their changing business requirements. 


When to use RAD

RAD, with its advantages, can be particularly applicable in a given set of circumstances: 

  • When you have expert developers with experience in smartphone app development
  • When you have a clearly defined set of goals. Otherwise, if you keep changing features all the time, it only results in delays in development 
  • When getting an app to the market is a prime priority. Delays could mean loss of business to competitors with subsequent loss of revenue that will hamper ROI projections. You can always have an app with a minimum set of features and get users to use the app, taking care of modifications as you go along. 
  • When your budget is limited and when you can compromise a bit on features. 



The recent pandemic kicked off a slew of home delivery services. A gentleman who wished to launch a grocery home delivery service got in touch with Smart Sight Innovations to build an app to achieve this purpose. The mobile app development company used RAD and existing code modules to have the app up and running, helping the individual leverage the present scenario and cater to the needs of an existing market audience in the shortest possible time. 


RAD, a boon for Startups

RAD is by no means the last word in app development, especially if a project is complex. However, in many cases, such as for startups, it is imperative to have an app launch simultaneously with your business. The app could be for use by customers or for use by team members or both, but the main consideration is that it should be there to facilitate business. Startups and small businesses can make do with apps with limited features and then go for full-fledged development once they grow but reaching that point where RAD for app development helps you. As the saying goes, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 

Smart Sight Innovations understands just how important it is to have an app hit the ground running, and, as a prime mobile app development company, offers rapid development services at a low cost to power businesses to succeed.

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