Advantages of Developing Customized Mobile Apps for Business

Businesses these days tend to prefer customised app development to capitalise on every opportunity and cater to a wider customer base, free of geographical limitations. The seismic shift from desktops to handheld devices that the world has witnessed over the last decade has made it imperative for businesses to leverage this medium to boost ROIs, while also providing a seamless experience to the end users – creating a win-win for all. 


There are multiple factors that determine what type of app best suits a particular business, such as its target audience, budget, functionalities etc. Customised app development leads to better retention of clients and higher conversion of interested leads, an outcome of thoughtful mobile app development. Entrepreneurs who understand the importance of customised mobile app development are often those who benefit from early mover advantage and help their businesses grow exponentially. 


Recent studies indicate that mobile apps have a higher conversion rate as compared to desktop or even mobile websites. In an era of start-ups battling well-entrenched brands, only those businesses that reach their customers directly survive and thrive. 


Below, we highlight a few advantages that businesses can reap by opting for customised mobile app development.


1. Optimize Performance

A custom-built app ensures all facets of business requirements are addressed, without having to compromise on any functionality, which could happen in case businesses choose a buy-in option. Such a comprehensive app is built to perform multiple functions and can also negate the necessity of multiple apps, thus bringing down the app development cost. A custom-built app can also be optimized to work with a specific operating system, for e.g., android app development could help build an app exclusively for one eco system that you feel your business could thrive on and reduce initial financial burden.


2. Increased Sales 

As per studies conducted by Forbes, mobile applications result in increased sales. Users spend up to 400% more time in mobile apps as compared to other devices and spend almost 200% more money. It has been proven that mobile apps also lead to increased conversions of leads to customers. These numbers are a combination of multiple factors such as lesser clicks to completion, personalized content & advanced recommendation features.


3. Customer Retention and Loyalty

One of the many positives of having a mobile app for your business is increased brand loyalty. Studies indicate that two-thirds of shoppers who purchase using mobile apps prefer to shop from their favourite brands, which leads to stronger brand association. By creating exclusive app only offers, brands can encourage users to install their application, and chime in with regular offers for increased retention.


4. Better UI, Enhanced Engagement

A smooth and intuitive UI with unique features leaves a positive impression on end users and encourages repeated visits leading to a larger user base and higher revenue. It also enables more interaction within the app with its multiple features such as GPS, voice recognition, built-in camera and providing real time updates on social media platforms (that could even be location based), all of which improves the overall customer experience and leads to wide-spread use. Each satisfied customer has the potential to bring in more users through word of mouth publicity.


5. An ideal Marketing Platform 

Today’s mobile savvy populace are also equally keen on social media, and it is imperative for apps to have social friendly features, especially easy share options that enable users to share their experience on multiple platforms, offering businesses an immensely powerful and previously scarce marketing tool! Such social interactions have transformed the way people buy and sell products and is an important aspect of mobile app development.


6. Optimize Investment

A well established mobile app development company can help businesses optimize their investment by providing them various options that could reduce app development cost, such as building an application that can be piggybacked on an existing tool while ensuring the end product functions smoothly.


If you are looking for a mobile app development company to build a seamless app for your business, contact the experts at Smart Sight Innovations for a free quote.

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