Here’s How CRM Systems Are Helping Firms In Navigating Through COVID-19 Crisis

The world is stuck in the middle of genuinely unprecedented circumstances due to COVID-19. The novel corona virus has forced people around the globe to change their shopping habits. The retail sector is witnessing damages like never before as retailers who are into selling non-essential goods have been forced to remain shut. From large corporations to local startups, almost every business is affected. The golden rules of running a business have suddenly become invalid. Thankfully, CRM systems are helping firms navigate through these unforeseen challenges.

Companies Focusing on CRM’s Capabilities Which Remained Underutilized Earlier 

The world knows that COVID-19 should not be taken lightly. Companies are doing everything possible to protect employees and the community at large. However, service issues need to be addressed, new opportunities need to be pursued and sales need to happen even in the current situation to sustain businesses. 

Experts suggest that most businesses have been under-utilizing the capabilities of customer relationship management software. They are now leveraging these features to ensure that employees remain productive, customer service remains operational, and sales leads are pursued on time. The system also helps brands to keep in touch with vendors and partners.                                                                                                                                                      

Enabling CRM Access For Employees Working From Home 

Indian IT companies and call centers had no option but to shut-down their offices when employees from multiple companies tested positive for COVID-19. The open floor office plan makes things difficult.

Meeting client specified security standards and managing CRM apps that need a sizeable bandwidth, did make the work from home (WFH) implementation a challenging task during the initial stages. But a few BPO and IT companies around the world have managed to find a solution.

During the last few years, most organizations around the world allowed sales teams to access CRM systems using their mobile phones while in the field. Now, COVID-19 has forced administrators to grant the same privileges to other associates as well. Thankfully, most systems can be configured to let employees access CRM’s from any location around the world. Administrators can manage permissions and allow employees to access a limited set of data using a desktop or laptop. 

Setting Reminders, Alerts And Creating Workflows For Employees Working Remotely 

In-person meetings and face-to-face contact between managers and associates can ensure tasks and procedures are not forgotten. Thus, managers prefer to keep WFH alternative as the last option, but the situation due to COVID-19 has forced several companies to let their employees work from home. Thankfully, project leaders can use CRM alerts and workflows for ensuring associates attend service issues, follow up on leads, and do not keep matters  pending for a long time. 

AI-powered widgets and programs can recognize words in email text and route them to the right person along with a draft for possible responses. Such email automation features in the CRM ensures timely responses. 

The customer relationship management system can also be programmed to automatically assign the email to another executive in case the earlier associate fails to revert to the customer on time. 

Using CRM Systems For Sending Emails And Text Messages To Consumers 

Until recently, only sales and marketing teams used certain CRM features for sending old-school mailers with discount codes and offers. These days, the same functionalities are helping companies send bulk texts and emails for delivering consistent messages to consumers and keeping in touch. 

Messages can be personalized, tailored to suit consumers from specific groups, based on their location, past purchases, and association with the brand. Most importantly, CRM’s can be programmed to stop CX surveys during the COVID-19 crisis. 

Brands have a unique influence on consumers and communities. With informative and straightforward language, firms are promoting the importance of social distancing via their messages in several countries. 

Besides ensuring businesses move forward during these critical times, some firms have understood the importance of staying connected with loyal customers. Companies are scheduling emails with digital gift cards to consumers. Brands are doing their bit by offering free services, waiving off fees, providing passes for free content on entertainment websites, and even waiving product installments in some cases. 

Connecting Chatbots With CRM 

Retailers, banks, hotels, and other industry players are running their call centers with minimum strength. The waiting period for reaching executives can be more than an hour, especially in the case of banks. AI-powered chatbots are proving to be a lifesaver for many firms in the time of crisis. This technology helps in filling the gap left by the workforce, and brands are also integrating them with customer service systems. 

Chatbots can be combined with websites and mobile apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. A reputed CRM Software Development Company can help in an efficient and seamless system integration. 

Not just companies, but even state and central governments have implemented chatbots in their strategies for dealing with COVID-19 related misinformation. The Indian government has recently introduced a WhatsApp based chatbot helpline that answers basic questions about the virus and helps in creating awareness concerning the illness among the general public. 

CRMs Help In Compiling Information Submitted In Web Forms 

The organization’s website can be integrated with the CRM system. Thus, any information submitted by a visitor to the website can be automatically scanned, fed in the CRM, and routed to the relevant person for a follow-up. The software ensures that the data remains organized even during such unplanned disruptions.

Perhaps, this is the best opportunity for small and large companies to upgrade to modern CRM solutions. It can help in improving employee productivity and staying connected with partners, vendors, as well as consumers. 

If your firm’s current customer relationship management system does not meet the remote work needs, get in touch with the experts at Smart Sight Innovations. Our Custom CRM development services have provided powerful solutions to brands across  multiple business segments.

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