How Tally Is Used In the Automation Industry?

In order to see how Tally comes in useful in the automation industry, one must first define automation. In the simplest terms, one can say that automation is making use of electronics to control and manage processes. The aim is to improve efficiency. Automation replaces manual tasks. This is just as applicable to accounting and inventory as well as sales as it is to manufacturing. So, how does Tally step in and help in the automation industry, especially with some Tally customization? Read on. 


Tally ERP is one of the most sophisticated business management and accounting packages. It covers accounting, inventory, banking, payroll, and sales. Users can access functions from their desktops or even remotely. You stay connected at all times regardless of whether you are in the office or elsewhere. It has plenty of features right out of the box to get you productive but you can opt for Tally customization to get even more speed as a result of automation. 

Automation Possibilities With Tally 

You may choose to use custom Tally software or opt for an on-premise solution. Regardless, you get access to its various modules. Each module has a host of features. 

For instance, accounting covers payables and receivables, fund flow and cash flow, multi-currency accounting, cost & profit centers and others including invoicing. Invoicing can become more fluid if you go beyond the standard format to a custom one using Tally invoice customization services for automating GST, discount, packaging and other costs specific to your business.  

  • The inventory covers multi-location stock control, pricing, and discount, stock movement and warehouse management, among others. 
  • You have an order management module to manage purchase orders, sales orders and job in-out. 
  • The data exchange module syncs business data on-demand permits the export of reports and data and connects to databases through Tally ODBC. Here again, fine-tuning ODBC helps to automate and improve data import-export leading to better reports and analytics. 
  • The manufacturing module takes care of maintaining journals across various locations and the creation of multiple bills of material. 
  • Te HR Management module takes care of payslip print, emailing, pay structure, payroll accounting, and other functions. 
  • The banking section helps you manage cheque books, bank reconciliation, capture transactions and calculate interest. 
  • The MIS module generates comparative reports, payment performance of debtors, stock aging analysis and other analytic functions. 

Tally does link and connects activities across modules. Still, customization can work wonders to improve automation and help to save your precious time as well as efforts. For instance, with just a little bit of customization, it becomes easy to manage TDS and GST besides generating profit and loss accounts at fixed intervals. Add-ons and integration play a crucial role in speeding up processes with minimal effort. 

Better Order Automation With Tally Customization 

A typical cycle in business would involve: 

  • Customers placing an order that is entered into Tally and then the creation of job ticket that goes to production, inventory, and salespeople to keep them acquainted and to help them take action in their areas of responsibility. 
  • The purchase section obtains required raw materials based on bill of materials and then production delivers finished stock for dispatch with sales and accounting stepping in to create invoice and shipping labels. 
  • Such items, when shipped automatically reflect in the inventory. 
  • Once the sale is over there is the payment cycle in accounting and the transaction is recorded as complete on receipt of payment. 
  • Then there is the matter of GST and other accounting matters. 

All these require considerable manual intervention, effort and time. Each time someone carries out a manual process the chance of error increases and this, in turn, compromises accuracy. Opt for customization of Tally and most of these processes can become automatic, each change in one place reflecting across the various modules. You get up to the minute information at any given time when you have this automation in place. 

Financials And Accounting Automation 

Accounting is a chore, whether you do it manually or in Tally. One has to enter vouchers, bank statements, purchase invoices, payroll, and other data. Besides, since Tally permits it, you can import data from PDF documents. You also will need to export data for reports and analysis. One employee could be working full time on all these mundane tasks.

Should you want some information in a hurry you simply will not be able to get it in time. Can you afford to wait? This is going to be routine so it all adds up and you will feel that even though you have the best accounting software you are not getting the most out of it. The solution is automation. It helps in data extraction and automatic transfer to excel sheet or any other custom application. You can keep watch on performance at each stage, whether it is payment receivables, orders in hand or even your payroll.

The intelligent implementation helps Tally “learn” from the way a particular uses the software and refine its responses and users too can set micro automation or macro automation for tasks. Getting reports becomes easy and fast. An executive need not even ask a Tally operator; he can do it on his own. 

Miscellaneous Automation Features For Tally

Tally takes add-ons and specialists in Tally customization can do nifty little but important things like IVR integration, touch screen facility and facility to send out automated timed alerts. You can set automated reminders for staff, for debtors or for stock replenishment and such alerts can be sent through email, SMS or the IVR. You may set automated alerts for customers to let them know the progress and status of their orders, thereby improving customer experience. 

There is so much that can be done by way of Tally Customization that Smart Sight Innovations offer. The result of automation in routine and mundane tasks saves money, reduces user’s fatigue and helps them to work on more productive areas. Managers have quick access to data and reports and your entire organization’s performance, as a whole, improves through Tally automation.

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