UX/UI Design Tips for Improving Your SEO

UX_UI Design Tips for Improving Your SEOSynopsis: UI is the aesthetic element through which people interact with a product, whereas UX is the experience a user has with a product or service. UI focuses on typography, colors, menu bars and more, while UX is about the users and their journey through the product. In some scenarios, UX and Ul could overlap. In digital marketing, a business owner’s concern to increase web page rankings in search engine results leads to SEO strategies such as publishing web content articles with keywords used by search engine users. However, search engine results are not only keywords but also about the overall user experience in terms of web page UI and UX.


There is no single concept of a good user experience. A successful UX meets the needs of the users when they use the product. Some essential UX concepts have a great impact on your search engine optimization performance. When you have one of the leading ecommerce development companies working on specific areas of your website design, it will give your customers a better experience and boost your SEO performance. 


A user-centered design

In simple words, UX means how a potential customer will engage with your idea, and UI is how it looks and feels. From product discovery, user personas, customer research, platform logic, empathy maps and prototyping, you must be careful when planning the user experience for your website.


In your web design, you need to create pages that provide answers to a user’s search query. Suppose, you have a lot of people searching for “How much does a tax audit cost?” The landing page should include related content on this topic to guide visitors.


Website architecture

Website architecture is about how the website is built to meet the goals of the end-user. It is the responsibility of the technical SEO team to optimize the UI and UX by improving the following:

  • Overall web design
  • Website usability
  • An interactive site design 
  • The quality of graphics used in the website
  • Content uploading and updating strategy
  • Information on the site map


Page speed or loading time

Page speed is an important SEO factor that, when done well, can improve your user experience and your conversion rate, both of which could lead to higher rankings.


Let’s say your page takes more than 3 seconds to load. More than 50% of your users will leave before they reach your site! Load time is also an important factor when looking at how UX affects SEO and your ranking on search engines.


Some common reasons why your site may load slowly include the inability to optimize images and too many animations on landing pages.

The faster your page loads, the higher it can rank in Google search results.


Content optimization

On-page SEO helps ensure that website content reaches the most important target users. Content optimization includes using relevant keywords, schema data, title tags, metadata and related links within the title and body of the content.


Today, the placement of relevant keywords and phrases exceeds the number of keywords within the content. Expert UX designers always focus on well-written content coming from reliable sources to increase domain expertise and web page credibility. It helps a page to rank higher in search engine results.


Publishing reliable content leads to a better user experience for the visitor and may also increase the chances of the user coming back for more information.


Site structure and landing pages

Your landing page provides dedicated conversion goals. It is a unique selling proposition (USP). A good USP breaks down your offering to its most basic level, describing the specific benefit your customers will expect by choosing your product or service.


The aim is to strike a chord with your customers and put them in a scenario where they may use your product. The main components of an impressive landing page are:

  • Main and secondary titles.
  • A unique selling proposition.
  • The benefit of your offerings.
  • Pictures or videos showing the context of use.
  • Social proof.
  • A reinforcing statement.
  • A closing argument.
  • Call to action.


Optimize for all screens to reduce bounce rate

Your site should be optimized for all screens and devices. A poor mobile app experience is the main reason for the high bounce rate, which is an SEO killer.


A higher-than-average bounce rate is not necessarily a bad sign. In terms of UX, it could also mean that the user found the content they were looking for. However, if the bounce rate is too high, it means users are disappointed with the quality of the content or the site’s performance.


You need to check the performance of your website on all browsers and all devices to make sure you’re not drawing false conclusions about your content quality.


Seeking professional mobile app development solutions can be a smart move. 


Use sticky social media share buttons

Search engine giant, Google, endorses content that is shared on social media and accessed through various sources and mediums. A great UX mantra would be to make social media share buttons easily accessible on all pages.


You can make them sticky with a social share bar on your website or include them in certain areas of the page depending on the design.


Don’t include social media share buttons as an afterthought. They are an essential development tool for content-heavy websites. Using it properly can appease users. 


Design for user intent

Are you designing an e-commerce shop? Or a SaaS product or a B2C marketplace? What matters most is that users find what they are looking for.


Different searches have specific search intent such as research, general information, brand-specific, and commercial to name a few. After analyzing the most common user intent, you should design pages that meet their search objective. 


For example, if you have search queries related to “is organic food good for losing weight” that come up on a page containing your diet food brands. For better UX, you can add a section providing more information about organic food, why it’s good for everyone and what other customers say about organic food, etc.


A suggested approach in two steps includes:

  • Add enough information about organic food to your initial landing page as it has already been “selected” by Google.
  • Create a new content-heavy landing page dedicated to the benefits of organic diets and links to the previous page. It may help users who want to read more about it.


Finally, Google will figure out that the first page is for business intent queries and the second page is for information or research intent queries. Having a good ecommerece development company to develop your wesbite is an important factor to consider. 


Easy usability or accessibility 

Accessibility is now a hot topic of discussion in the tech industry. Many business owners in e-commerce and other sectors still wonder what the best approach is. It is often used as an afterthought and not as an essential when building new products.


If you think about it, making your site more accessible would result in:

  • Low bounce rate
  • Better SEO because Google favors accessible websites
  • More organic traffic


You can be ahead of your competitors and dominate your industry because most of your competitors may not have thought of it yet.


Call to action

Call to action work as prompts on a webpage to encourage site visitors to take the next step. They are usually buttons that the user can click to send the user to view more information or to go to the landing page of the business.


A well-placed call to action button can increase the chances of the website engaging the user who is buying the product or service.


Expert UI and UX designers can design web pages that contain adequate call-to-action to improve the UI and UX of websites.


All things considered 

Search engines, especially Google, rank those websites that users tend to love. Every effort to improve your UX will bring positive results for your SEO. The 10 tips listed above can help you optimize your page to see your organic traffic growing optimally in organic search.


UX and Ul trends impact SEO. Follow an approach with cutting-edge UX/UI methodologies to bring form and functionality to create inspiring, usable and thoughtful designs. Contact a leading web design agency to improve your SEO performance.

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