How Is Web 3.0 Different From Web 2.0

Web 3.0 Different From Web 2The internet, an important tool in the modern world, is a system of interconnected networks that makes it easier to access informational resources and communicate with people all over the world. It is a system design that has transformed communications and techniques of the trade, connecting millions of computers, webpages, servers and websites. It carries a wide variety of informational resources and services like the interlinked hypertext documents and applications of the world wide web (WWW), e-mail, phone and file sharing.


There is more than one version of the web and all these versions utilize the internet to connect users to the websites and one another. Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 are the four versions of the web. Web 1.0 is the read-only web and Web 4.0 is still in its developmental stage. Here is a brief on Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and the difference between them.? 


What Is Web 2.0?

The first version of the web consisted mainly of a small number of individuals producing web pages and content for a sizable audience of readers, enabling them to acquire facts, information and material from specific sources. It lacked the necessary formats, graphics, controls and connectivity that are available on today’s internet. The next version, Web 2.0, on the other hand, prioritized participating and contributing. User-generated content (UGC), usability, interaction and enhanced connectivity with other systems and devices are the main focus of this version.


Web 2.0 is mostly referred to as the participative social web. It integrates web browser technology like JavaScript frameworks (Angular JS, React JS, jQuery) to create an improved version of its forerunner.


What Is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 or web 3, the latest and most talked-about internet generation, is based on the fundamental principles of decentralization, transparency and enhanced user utility. It attempts to provide a reliable, data-driven user interface acceptable to all users. Web 3.0 is intended to employ blockchains, metaverse and semantic web (the next stage in the development of the internet). Semantic content, which harnesses all available resources is closely linked to data in Web 3.0, boosting customer experience.


Web 3.0 gives priority to security and privacy above monitoring and controlling, giving users complete control of their data. They can choose to reveal the information or keep it a secret. Along with decentralization, Web 3.0 is an open-source software and allows direct communication between participants through the network. Anyone can participate without having to take authorization from a governing body.


What Is the Difference Between Web 2 and Web 3?

Here are some key points of difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. 

1. Concept

Web 2.0

It is a second-generation and participative social web that allows read-and-write operations. 

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 on the other hand, is the third generation of the internet and emphasizes the semantic web. As a result, computers make out meaningful interpretations similar to the way humans process information. 


2. Focus

Web 2.0

The major goals of Web 2.0 are user-generated content (UGC), usability, engagement and communication with other systems and devices. Web 2.0 mainly focuses on community development.

Web 3.0 

The foundation of Web 3.0, is based on the core concepts of decentralization, transparency and improved customer value. The semantic web enhances web technologies by allowing users to create, share and connect through search and evaluation. Web 3.0 intends to empower individuals.


3. Technology

Web 2.0

The development of many innovative technologies has aided Web 2.0. Among the technologies supporting Web 2.0 are AJAX, JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 provides support to applications for creative and ingenious technologies. The main technologies supporting the foundation of Web 3.0 are machine learning (ML), decentralized protocols, semantic web and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


4. Application

Web 2.0

The types of applications associated with Web 2.0 include two-way web pages, video websites, podcasts and personal blogs. 

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 enables the development of intelligent applications by allowing the use of ML and AI functions. Some successful examples of Web 3.0 applications include integrated gaming, 3D portals and multi-user virtual environments.


5. Characteristics

Web 2.0

Along with introducing a wide variety of web apps, Web 2.0 enhances interaction. Social interactions and connectivity are the most important characteristics of Web 2.0. The output of the platform is still fixed to a 2D desktop or laptop monitor and information is concentrated on carrying out activities. It also makes use of interactive advertising.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 delivers intelligent, web-based functionalities and applications and relies on behavioral marketing. The spatial internet capabilities of Web 3.0 rely on web-connected virtual worlds and information and services will be available across extended reality (XR) platforms. It offers a fusion of web technology and knowledge representation.


6. Speed

Web 2.0

With the use of HTTP in distinct web addresses, Web 2.0 searches for data that is held in a fixed location usually on a single server.

Web 3.0

As Web 3.0 emphasizes decentralization, the transactions need to be processed by a hub and communicated throughout the network. 


7. Data Ownership

Web 2.0

In Web 2.0, the network takes the responsibility for storing information, resulting in access problems and worries about the privacy and security of online data.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 allows flexibility of data sharing throughout the network and ownership of data by an individual. 


Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 both eventually aim to assist users with information access. It is also important to note that all Web 2.0 compatible devices will support Web 3.0. While Web 3.0 comes with better security, trust and privacy, many web applications continue to use Web 2.0 as their foundation.

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