4 Ways Mobile Apps Can Power Your Business to Success

It is possible to run your business without a mobile app and lag behind the others if that satisfies you. Growth and progress dictate that you adapt to modern technologies and including an app as a business tool is vital. Just how important apps are to businesses can be gauged from the fact that Computerworld organized The Power of Mobile Apps Symposium as far back as 2013. Today, apps are at the left, right and center of the business world as enterprises realize the importance of mobile app development to power their business operations. 


Mobile devices at the front

Numbers talk, especially big numbers, and when you have an audience of over 5 billion smartphone users across the world and 1.35 billion tablet users, it becomes imperative that this humongous customer base is catered to with complete dedication. On an average, a smartphone user keeps checking their phone once in at least 15 to 30 minutes, and about 90% of the time spent on smartphones is on apps! 

This is the age of immediacy and people will have little patience to get back to their homes or offices to access desktop-based software. They are equally impatient with launching browsers and navigating to websites. Apps are compact, reside on the phone, and can be launched in a jiffy, justifying the fact that more than 205 billion apps have been downloaded. 

So, the conclusion as regards numbers is that if you want to reach out to the maximum number of people, an app becomes an indispensable part of the process to improve business and efficiency. Statistics underline the importance of mobile app development for your business success. 


Mobile apps generate revenue

It can cost around Rs 1.5 lakhs to get a professional app developed by an expert mobile app development company. Smartphone app development is also time-consuming in that it could take six months unless the developer takes shortcuts like reusing code. Still, both are justified when you see an increase in the number of regular users and an uptick in income. 

As per latest statistics, apps generate revenues exceeding $180 billion worldwide and even if you get a small slice of this gargantuan pie, business have a sustainable revenue model to conduct businesses. The investments made can be recovered and increased revenue points to the importance of mobile app development as part of any business activity and strategy.


Hey, wait, don’t go!

Now, take a look at what happens if you do not have a suitable mobile app to direct your business. Competitors are likely to have apps and potential customers will certainly download and use their apps. How are you to know your customers’ behaviors and how can you stop them from leaving? The answer is to engage a mobile app development company to develop an app that will reside in your customer’s phones and keep you informed. 


Vital data gathering tool and marketing tool 

Smartphone app development experts can weave technologies into mobile phone apps that will permit you to: 

  • Understand user’s activities on the phone, the time spent on using the app and the purpose for which they use said apps.
  • This data can be utilized to refine, tailor, or modify your strategies to be in line with customer expectations.
  • Once an app is installed and the necessary permissions granted, businesses can use it to push notifications to the user’s devices. Messages get noticed immediately, unlike emails or ads or other advertising means. This factor alone significantly highlights the importance of mobile app development since such notifications may be acted upon immediately and result in orders with its high visibility and hit rates – as compared to other means of customer engagement. For instance, you can send a notification about an offer valid for one day and get quick responses.
  • Indirectly, if a user wishes to find out information or place an order then all they have to do is to launch the app and complete the transaction. Simply by being there, businesses can prevent losing customers to competition. 
  • It is common practice to get potential customers to use your app by offering freebies. Businesses can do this too and get a foothold into smartphones. 
  • Users can use the app while on the go and complete transactions. 


Employees matter too

The impact and importance of mobile app development is not limited to just customers. Businesses are well served fostering an environment of care towards employees. Let a mobile app development company develop a suitable app for use by employees to address customers, handle vendors, and improve collaboration. 

  • You make life easier for them by giving them the flexibility to work from anywhere and at any time.
  • Your employees can contact and be contacted through their mobile apps at any time and give a suitable response to customers or buyers.
  • Depending on the app and its functions, your employees can engage in chats, access data, or work with other employees on a common project. 


You can see the importance of mobile app development for your business from every angle. Talk with Smart Sight Innovations today to find out the limitless possibilities an app can bring to your business.

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