How Would IoT Drive Logistics Sector To Next Level?

iot-logisticsEvery year, around 30 percent of the perishable produce left from farms fails to make it to the dinner table. Efforts are always being made to control such a disheartening level of waste. Logistics companies are playing a crucial role in the same. There are a new set of customer expectations and needs from this sector. They are not just responsible for moving goods from point A to B anymore. 

Companies are tasked with storing and transporting the product at the right time, in exact quantity, condition, to the desired location marked by the customer. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is helping logistics firms in these tasks. 

At present, IoT applications are helping in supply chain analysis, inventory management, vehicle tracking, fleet maintenance, and automation of various processes. Slowly but steadily, the IoT solutions introduced to the domain are revolutionizing it even further. 

Predictive Analysis To Get The Best Out Of Business Opportunities 

Transport part of the logistics sector involves a lot of risks that are linked to the country’s infrastructure, climatic conditions, and political situation as well.  

At present, some companies are using algorithm-based systems to analyze weather and events data for predicting possible issues. They also use the same technology to look at the historical data and accurately predicting potential business opportunities. Fleets can be arranged accordingly along with the necessary human resource like drivers, cleaners. Such insights help in risk management, improved decision making, and developing better strategies. 

IoT Helping Logistics Firms Deal With Supply Chain Management Issues  

The logistics sector and supply chain management are linked with one another. To control challenges like illegal food practices and damages caused to the products during transportation, brands wish to keep track of the product’s complete lifecycle. Logistics firms are helping brands in doing just that with transparency and traceability. 

With the help IoT powered sensors and radio-frequency identification tags, firms can track the location of vehicles carrying various products.

A reputed IOT Service Provider can help firms design apps for monitoring products that are in various stages of supply chain management.  

 Warehousing And Inventory Management Solutions

When it comes to the list of the essential aspects of the logistics ecosystem, inventory management and warehousing are perhaps the most crucial ones. Brands prefer to go with firms that offer both these, besides the basic transportation service. 

This is the era of smart warehouse systems. A web of IoT sensors helps logistics firms in tracking inventory, monitoring the position of various goods within. 

The Internet of Things technology is helping firms in ensuring the safety of goods, preventing losses, and making sure they are available at the desired location in the needed quantity. Human errors in warehousing operations are minimized due to automation. 

Monitoring The Chain Of Refrigerated Environment 

Storing and transporting certain food items and vaccines requires creating an unbroken chain of refrigerated environments. Until the last decade, monitoring the safety and quality of such pharma and food products was difficult while in transportation stages. However, these days, IoT and AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered solutions make real-time monitoring possible. 

Details like the temperature and humidity inside the refrigerated vehicles can be made available to the item manufacturer on a real-time basis. 

Predictive tools help in forecasting risk factors, hazards, climatic conditions that the consignment may face while at the specific geographical location. Plans can be made for dealing with hazards accordingly. 

Vehicle Monitoring 

Fleet management solutions that work with IoT combined with GPS technology are already implemented by government transport agencies and private firms that operate vast numbers of vehicles.

Currently, the IoT powered location management devices are helping consignment managers in tracing vehicle location, driver activities, status for delivery of goods on the route, and so on. Even factors like over-acceleration, fuel-consumption, seatbelt usage, and sharp cornering can be monitored besides speeding.

Viewing of schedules, and delivery planning was never so easy in the past. Changes can be planned, and stakeholders can be notified within seconds.  

Vehicle Maintenance (On-board Diagnostic)

One of the most talked-about advancements in IoT technology is IoT based predictive maintenance. The technique relies on the data derived from various embedded sensors in the machine to predict the chances of its failures. However, as management consultancy firm Bain & Company’s recently released reported pointed out, predictive maintenance still has a long way to go. Systems are expensive and need to be sharpened further.

As of now, IoT, AI-powered preventive maintenance solutions are being used by several firms.  

Getting insights not just on the overall vehicle health but also about various parts like tires, windows, engine, air-pressure is possible due to cloud-connected IoT boxes consisting of smart sensors.

Defects can be marked before they cause significant issues resulting in a delay for completion of the trip. Vehicle maintenance schedules can be followed by more punctually. Machinery and parts can be replaced on time. 

Drone-Based Delivery Is The Future 

The e-commerce, agriculture, and logistics industry players have high expectations from drones. These devices have the potential to add even more efficiency and speed in various processes. 

Agricultural drones have been around for several years now. They are used for soil and field analysis, planting, crop spraying, and crop monitoring, irrigation, as well as health assessment. 

Last-mile delivery remains a concern for logistics firms that serve various e-commerce companies. Drones or crewless vehicles can prove to be a significant step towards business process automation. It can help in faster transportation of goods, life-saving drugs in villages that have poor road connectivity. 

Drones won’t need drivers, and won’t face traffic as well as other road-related uncertainties. The technology has the potential to make same-day shopping even more viable economically. Thus, besides e-commerce players like Amazon, several logistics industry players are testing drones in various parts of the world. But, it would be a while before uncrewed delivery trucks hit the road for delivery of goods. 

Wish to discuss your organization’s IoT app development requirements with a reputed Internet of Things development company in India? You should surely discuss your needs with developers at Smart Sight Innovations. SSI is an IOT Development Company that has developed web and smartphone-based IoT, AI-powered solutions for firms from several sectors.

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