Mobile Application Design Trends in 2022

Mobile Application Design Trends in 2022Synopsis: The year 2022 brought with it many new mobile app design trends. The design community endeavors constant experiments to create new experiences for users. It includes color data visualization, multi-directional navigation, unlimited imagery and more. Apps are evolving in unconventional ways and you can benefit a lot if you are aware of the current design trends.


With over 6 billion smartphone users worldwide, the mobile app industry is thriving. Different businesses and app niches have specific features and restrictions to use on mobile design trends. 


Various approaches can determine the combination of trends to implement on an app for business needs. To match the steps, you need a top custom mobile app development company for your unique product. 


Animated effects in mobile app design

A better way to make an interface dynamic is by adding an animation or a video. A video may be a bit complicated because of specific situations, but using animations could be a good idea in almost all cases. This is one of the best mobile design trends in the coming years.


Often, micro-movements can significantly change the UI and app usage. You can draw attention to the right elements, make them animated, hint at actions to take and increase conversions and sales.


Dark mode

Although this trend is not new, its relevance is increasing. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Apple were pioneers in the adoption of dark interfaces, and many other companies followed suit.


Delving into the Apple developers forums, you may come across various surveys that show that 50% to 80% of iPhone users choose a dark mode in system preferences. Why would it be different with apps?


White text on a dark background stands out, remains in memory, looks stylish and is convenient to use. The bright or light mode can be uncomfortable for the eyes during prolonged use. It is especially pronounced in the evening and when people wake up and use their phones.


Futuristic colors

Apps are very important to risk with a pastel or neutral color palette. It needs to stand out and be easy to remember. Kaleidoscopic combinations are now favored by mobile app users. This trend allows designers to use color and contrast as tools and improve the user experience.


Plus, it’s very hard for designers to be repetitive because a bright palette opens up a huge canvas for creativity.


Images in mobile app design

Adding images to the design concept of your app will work in favor of your brand and its identity. Using them reduces the amount of text on the screen, speeds up the user’s interaction with the app and influences their decision making.


The thing to remember is to follow a style so that the user can remember it, get used to it and recognize it quickly.


Serif fonts

Serif fonts are among the top app design trends for 2022. Why? The letters stand out clearly which makes it easier to remember the words.


These fonts are typefaces that have serifs or additional strokes at the ends of their letterforms. These typefaces evoke feelings of tradition and history. Many fonts fall into the serif category with different sizes, thicknesses and lengths.


Notable examples of serif fonts include Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond and Baskerville.


Retro or 90’s style

The style of the 90s now influences the design of mobile apps. The designers use retro fonts, images and graphics similar to popular PlayStation games of the 90s, for example, Mario.


With the 90’s look, you have a chance to gain interest from two generations: young people love old things, and older people experience nostalgia.


This design trend won’t suit every product, but if the retro style is appropriate for your app, go ahead and experiment.


Depth in graphics

Flat images and designs can be boring. People want more realistic and interactive content. Shadows and layers in graphics give a 3D effect, volume and depth so that people can enjoy more realistic images.

It can be used with any element to create a hierarchy of objects on the screen and help the user navigate the application more easily. 3D technology is a game-changer and 3D graphics can be used in almost any app.

For example, developers can use 3D imaging technology to create apps that store layouts of room interiors. It can apply to games and change the experience. To add depth to the graphics in your app, consider a 3D trend.


AR and VR

Virtual reality and augmented reality provide an incredible opportunity to have interactive experiences with mobile phones. This app design trend came to the fore, especially during the lockdowns, which replaced actual activities for people sitting in their homes.


The UI mobile design trend continues to grow. The key to this design trend is that the app interface makes you feel like you are inside the app. Attractive design elements and simplification are the keys to this experience.


For example, IKEA used AR to show what a piece of furniture would look like in different places in your home.


Abstract art

The abstract art design trend may seem contradictory. However, this technology is heavily used in the UI mobile industry. It uses shape, color, form and gesture markings to achieve its effect.


Geometric art and abstract images look very artistic in mobile apps. It draws attention to the colors and shapes without distracting from the app functionality. The easiest way to capture users’ attention is to be abstract.


Multi-directional navigation

In terms of usability, the best apps feel intuitive. Multi-directional navigation is a natural way to simplify complex flows and interactions. Instead of scrolling up and down through features, these designs encourage users to interact with the app more consciously.


Horizontal sliders in vertical scrolling displays create an interesting user journey. It is a popular trend for apps with multiple products or profiles, for example, those featuring podcasts, music, or social media.


Layered sheer screens

Layering a sheer screen on other design elements includes using a drop shadow or blur effect on buttons and text boxes to partially cover the background image. It creates a unique aura. 


Adding a drop shadow or glow helps to separate an element from the background and also decides where the user’s attention should be.


This effect enhances readability and usability with strokes, overlay and blur effects. For example, subtitles for movies, television shows and videos make the text easier to read.  


Asymmetric menu and gallery

The asymmetry in design and layout puts the focus on certain elements within an app. People’s eyes move in a certain direction when processing visual information. Asymmetrical design can flow with the visual flow of the audience.


In 2022, designers are likely to steer away from the symmetrical app experience, especially for apps with multi-product galleries like e-commerce.


Asymmetrical design can help strengthen your brand’s unique identity and bring a fresh look to your menu or gallery. The disruption of patterns appears unique.


Voice interactions

Mobile design is not limited to just the visual aspect in 2022. Consider adding a voice to your app. Today, Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa are being used often and brands invest heavily to improve the user experience.


This is one of the new app design trends that are here to stay. Choose the voice interaction option carefully. Discuss your needs with a leading custom app development company. 


Inclusive design for people with disabilities

Think about all the users who will interact with your design. Inclusion is an important mobile design trend. Your design should work effectively for people with any type of disability and not just sight or hearing loss. Some recommendations include:

  • Add image with alt text
  • Allow users to increase font size
  • Keep contrast sensitivity in mind
  • Add keyboard navigation
  • Make video and multimedia accessible
  • Use descriptive URLs
  • Create an accessible color palette


All things considered 

Now you have an idea of some design trends for 2022. One approach may suit one type of business and break another. The important point is to keep an eye on the trends, evaluate the market and analyze the demands of your clients.


Following all the trends and knowing what’s best for your business is a daunting task and requires resources and expertise in the field.


Contact a top company for custom mobile app development that knows all the current trends and understand what’s best for your niche.

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