Tips and Strategies To Consider While Developing an iOS App

Although Android has a major share of the app market, users and developers alike cannot stop praising iOS apps for their versatility, security and captivating user experience. iOS apps are known to be more responsive than their Android counterparts and also run with lesser glitches.


We look at some important iOS development tips to consider when developing an iOS app, irrespective of the type of business that the app caters to:



Apple claims that Swift is more than 2 times as fast as Objective-C, which is one of the major reasons for the improvement in its app performance. With more and more developers using Swift to build iOS apps, businesses would be well served to use it in their development process.  Because Objective-C uses runtime code compilation, there’s an extra loop every time an object calls out to another during compilation. Swift on the other hand performs tasks much quicker.



There are many reasons why Apple encourages the development of iOS apps using Swift, one of the main reasons being its increased security. Swift avoids errors as a result of type-safe and memory-safe languages, i.e., it avoids vulnerabilities related to pointers which only leads to app crashes. This means developers using Swift are encouraged to maintain a clean code that is easily readable.


Use the Latest Development Platform

Working on the latest development platforms ensures peak performance as well as the ability to sync apps to all devices – iPhones and iPads – without any changes in code. It also improves the performance of the app, which is a value-add to end-users and ensures better business performance, improved efficiency and growth. Partnering with experienced developers or firms such as a React Native development company will help you with timely guidance on the latest technologies that can be used to develop a successful app.


App Device Compatibility

While using the latest development platform is critical to keep the app current, it is also equally important to ensure optimum performance across multiple platform versions and devices, it is critical to preserve uniformity. This can be achieved by performing compatibility tests for the app to ensure peak performance. If apps do not perform on older versions and devices, it could lead to a significantly reduced user base and subsequently impact revenue as well.



An important part of iOS app development is to understand the best way to monetize from it – be it through ads, or subscription fees, or whether you wish to go the “freemium” route – by offering basic features for free and requiring a subscription for advanced features. This also depends on the type of app you build and its purpose.


Finalize your MVP

This is a very critical step while developing an app. Many businesses want to include all capabilities in the first run which might not be required. This could also lead to a delay in deployment that could ultimately result in a loss of revenue if a competitor springs up while you’re still developing an app.


This is why it is important to define your minimum viable product (MVP) and prepare to release the app once this milestone has been achieved.


Main Views

Break down the app into multiple sections or screens with a focus on minimum scrolling and maximum output. There may be some screens that may not add much value to the customer journey and you will be well served to discard these. This is just a starting point and may need constant attention for subsequent iterations.


These are some of the important aspects that iOS app development companies must consider while building an app.

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