Tips For Successful iOS App Development

Tips For Successful iOS App DevelopmentSynopsis: According to Statista, global revenue from mobile apps grew to over USD 318 billion in 2020. According to the same report, by 2025, the global mobile app market will almost double to reach USD 613 billion. For mobile app development, iOS is a popular platform and users are always looking for a great user experience. Knowledge about the iOS app development process answers many questions related to it.

Successful mobile app development requires proficiency and experience. It’s more challenging when you want to turn an innovative concept into a business-driven application. Developing iOS app with revenue-generating feature is not an easy task and should be well planned. A few points kept in mind on how to develop iOS apps can serve as a guide.


Types of iOS app development

The iOS development can be done for native apps as well as hybrid apps.

  • Native apps are built specifically for the platform using the iOS app development language and tools like Swift, Objective-C and Xcode. A native iOS app does not run in a browser. You can download the app only from Apple’s App Store.
  • Hybrid apps blend native and web solutions. Here, the application code is written using languages ​​like CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Once written, the app is contained within a native app. The hybrid app can be used on multiple platforms including both iOS and Android.


Languages for iOS app development

You need to know which app development language is best for your business purpose. Some of the best iOS programming languages ​​for both native and hybrid app development are listed below:

  • HTML5 is the latest HTML version used in conjunction with CSS and JavaScript. Consider it if you want to develop an iOS app quickly, that can be accessed offline also.
  • C# is a general-purpose programming language to write applications for Windows systems. You can develop native software in this language. It works for both iOS and Android.
  • Swift is good if you want to develop a quick application that can be extended later.
  • Objective-C is for creating an app that is compatible with older versions of iOS that do not support Swift.
  • Flutter, is open-source and can help build cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Google Fuchsia. Use it if you want to build Android, desktop and web app versions of your iOS apps.

 After deciding on the above, you can start your app development process. 


Define the purpose

First, define the purpose of developing an app. You have to seek answers to questions such as:

  • Why do you want to develop an app?
  • Are there similar apps in the market? How is your app different?
  • What problem are you trying to solve through the app?

It is wise to understand competitors’ apps and determine how your app can perform better or provide more value to the customer. Objectives simplify the development process.

You can discuss aspects of better mobile app development, such as app purpose, target audience, design, aesthetics, performance indicators and cost, with one of the reliable iOS app development services.


Conduct market research and identify the target audience 

Define your target audience by doing thorough market research. Take surveys to identify the type of users you want to target and try to build a consumer persona. Apple users are a specific group of consumers so plan your app development accordingly. 

It is necessary to communicate with this group and understand it. Typically, iPhone users love the cutting-edge design, trendy features, and feeling of always being at the forefront of the mobile app user scene.

Apple’s App Store hosts many apps. In a highly competitive market, you need to understand what types of applications exist in the same region and if your app can gain traction and get enough downloads.


Follow Apple App Store guidelines

For an iPhone app to be successful once it is developed, it has to follow Apple’s guidelines.

According to Apple, the guiding principles of its App Store are simple. It seeks to provide a secure experience for users and an opportunity for all developers to succeed. They offer a highly curated app store.

Apple has strict rules, and before submitting your app, your developers have to go through five major steps such as:

  • Security
  • Performance
  • Business
  • Design
  • Legal

Apple publishes applications that meet their specific requirements related to the above five aspects. So make sure to hire a developer who goes through each step for successful submission.


The design of your iOS app

Here, the design team brings your vision to life. Here, the following three aspects matter:

Concept and wireframing: Here, all requirements are documented and designers begin creating wireframes that show what the app will look like.

User experience: Apart from making sure the app is looking good, they will also ensure that it is fully functional and easy to use and navigate. For this, they will focus on usability and navigation to ensure an engaging user experience.

Software architecture: There are a few steps your designers should take to ensure the scalability and stability of your mobile application.


Streamline available features

It’s about re-shaping features you’ve already included, like content and visuals. It lets customers recognize your brand. Develop your app with the available resources you already have. And, you’ll build an app that looks and feels like the rest of your brand.

Take, for example, Amazon. It makes the interaction between its website and app seamless. Users can easily add an item to their shopping cart on the website and purchase it from their cart on the app.


Make your iOS app compatible with all versions

To cater to an expanding consumer base, your iPhone app must support multiple versions of iOS. Supporting multiple versions broadens the reach of your app, and allows you to get more users.

For example, Facebook Messenger has over a billion app downloads and supports several iOS versions along with the Android platform. Messenger always updates with the release of a new version to keep up with its user base.


Develop your app

It is the most important stage of iPhone app development. It brings the idea into reality. This phase consists of three different important parts:

  • Backend development
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Frontend development 


App testing

After the technical phase is over, the next step is to perform Quality Assurance (QA) testing. This process will ensure that the app is fully functional and free from bugs and errors. Developers will review your product for:

  • Security
  • Smooth user experience
  • Optimized performance
  • Optimum memory usage

The team will ensure that the app conforms to all the guidelines laid down by Apple. Once this process is over, your app is ready to be submitted to the Apple App Store.


Choose a name

Choose a name for your app. For most businesses, this can be their company name.

Apple allows names to be up to 30 characters long. So that you can also add more details to help your app show up in search results and provide more information about it. 

It helps if your brand name is not recognizable. You can include both the product name and a description of what the app does.


Deployment part

Now, the application can be submitted to the Apple App Store for final approval. It may take a few days to weeks for Apple to approve the application. You also need to market it once your iPhone app is published. 


Outsource the development

The best way to build an iPhone app is by getting iOS application development services. You have to work with an expert to finalize the plan for your app and then actually put it into practice.

Research and find someone whose specialty is iOS app development. Log in to more than one website and search for the best iOS app developers. It will reveal a firm that fits your description.

Consider their profile, job success scores, past projects and client reviews.


All things considered 

Hopefully, you must have gained some useful information about creating an app for iOS devices. It can be a lengthy process, but proper planning helps you to build a great app, promote it well and make your app a success.

Developing an application is just the beginning. Hiring one of the best iOS development services means getting ongoing support and services to you even after the application is deployed on the Apple App Store.

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