Which Database Solution Can Prove To Be The Best Option For Startups?

Collection, storage, and maintenance of vast volumes of data happen to be some of the major problems faced by startups. The amount of data arising out of customer interaction and other processes varies on a day to day basis. So, arriving at an accurate estimation for the required storage remains difficult during the first few months after going live. 

Depending on the transactions of data and the number of enterprise applications to be run on the system, every startup has its own set of unique requirements. The factors to be considered are the number of queries to be raised per second, the amount of data to be stored, the number of tables, as well as the need for high availability. Contracts that allow entrepreneurs to scale up or down the database as per their requirements prove to be a great deal. 

Which Database Can Be The Most Suitable, SQL, or NoSQL?

While choosing the database, the primary concern for every startup is the impact of the database on the remote DBA services availability. 

Both cloud-based options happen to be efficient and inexpensive alternatives to bulky in-house database solutions. Put simply, the comparison between the two is like comparing non-relational and relational databases. The main point of difference between NoSQL and SQL is the type of data they store and the storage method. 

When it comes to primary data storage and management, the SQL – Structured Query Language- has been a hot favorite for businesses for decades. SQL database variants have been available since the early 90s in the form of opensource and web-based applications. 

NoSQL, on the other hand, is preferred by the current generation of entrepreneurs. Some of the examples of this type of database system are MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, Redis, Apache Cassandra, etc. NoSQL databases cannot be considered as a replacement for SQL ones due to their unique storing approach. 

SQL is rigid, structured, and works perfectly with most of the renowned software stacks. As these databases are accessible, finding an expert to get help in dealing with problems and challenges is easy. On the other hand, finding an expert for handling lesser-known systems can prove to be a headache for small startups.

When it comes to the SQL databases, the integrity of the database remains protected due to the isolation and atomicity. Unfortunately, NoSQL lacks the integrity, durability, and consistency offered by Structured Query Language options. Plus, anomalies and glitches also remain lower with SQL. It stores data in a structured form, enabling startups to restrict the size if there isn’t explosive growth in the business during the initial phases after the business’s launch. 

SQL databases have been in use for decades. Besides ample support and dynamic adaptability, there are several add-ons and third-party tools that make their management easy. 

Perhaps, the only negativity side for these types of databases is their scalability aspect. Startups with SQL databases might experience issues when the amount of data starts increasing with time. In such a situation, several entrepreneurs opt for the NoSQL database as an add-on for supporting their additional data storage needs during expansion. 

NoSQL Databases Considered Ideal For Startups?

Experts suggest startups that do not have a particular schema for supporting a relational database to opt for the NoSQL database in the initial stage. It is considered a flexible option as such databases offer the on-point-scale up facility. The feature is crucial for startups that do not have any idea about the possible data flow and volume of data that they may need to handle in the beginning.  

NoSQL databases are ideal for Big Data integration

Bottlenecking of data can be disastrous for server-side apps that need to be seamless and fast at all times. NoSQL DB proves the best for such applications as these databases can store a vast amount of data without any limitations concerning data type or structure. Information can be stored in multiple formats as per business requirements. Such flexibility proves to be a life-saver for startups. 

Brands that work with massive amounts of Big Data appreciate cloud-based storage options, and NoSQL databases offer cloud compatibility. Any data stored in such databases automatically becomes ready for use. Thus admins do not have to spend time preparing the same. 

NoSQL databases show compatibility challenges when it comes to handling SQL instructions. Analyzing and testing the performance remains challenging due to the lack of add-ons and tools. Plus, these databases lack consistency in comparison with SQL counterparts. 

Thus, if the startup requires storing data in an organized and structured manner, SQL databases may prove appropriate. 

Database choice should be made according to the data inflow expected by the organization. 

NoSQL is scalable and can prove to be fast for specific tasks, but on the other hand, there are enterprise solutions that work best with SQL. Due to the use of multiple apps with varied requirements, some startups may not be able to find a one-for-all solution. Thus, they go for both non-relational and relational databases.

Can Database-as-a-Service Work For Startups?

The name is self-explanatory, the database is offered as a cloud service. DBaaS provides flexibility and simplicity for firms that need a database for app development or to perform other tasks. 

Compared to the on-premises alternative, its benefits are limited, but there are other advantages. 

Database-as-a-Service solutions can work as engine-style software that can integrate with other enterprise solutions like the ERP, CRM, and other data visualization tools. 

Until recently, only large firms had the financial backing to access advanced technologies like edge computing, machine learning, and the internet of things. However, that’s not the case anymore due to affordable solutions. Lower entry barriers ensure even small startups can afford DBaaS.

Amazon SimpleDB, Google Cloud Bigtable, Orchestrate, Azure Cosmos DB and Cloudant are some of the prominent examples for NoSQL Database as a Service tool. On the other hand, Microsoft Azure SQL, Google Cloud SQL, and IBM Db2 on Cloud are some of the SQL database examples. A custom database development company can help you select the best option as per your application’s requirements.

Gone are the days of traditional databases and physical hardware. These days, entrepreneurs prefer opting for affordable cloud-based database solutions that can be purchased on a subscription or contract basis. 

If you need assistance in seeking the best custom database solutions for your project, you should discuss your project with engineers at Smart Sight Innovations. The firm has considerable experience in custom database development.

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