Why Is It Crucial For Firms To Use Iot In Enhancing Customer Experience?

From healthcare, tourism, entertainment to the manufacturing sector, the Internet of Things technology is impacting the functioning of several industries. Slowly but steadily, the IoT technology is reaching people’s offices and homes in the form of various devices. Brands are developing solutions that can utilize technology and smart gadgets to offer even more personalized and improved consumer experience. 

Firms like Amazon, e-Bay, and Walmart have raised the consumer experience bar so high that online shoppers expect products to reach their doorstep within two days. The common factor in the way these leading players operate is their eagerness for the implementation of the latest technology. 

Order Placement And Fulfillment 

The IoT has modernized and introduced consistency in the way online shopping portals transact with manufacturers, transporters, and delivery service firms.

Modern warehouses consist of IoT sensors that keep track of the availability of various goods and even send perfectly-timed orders to manufacturers. Shipping partners get access to real-time data about the shopping portal’s shipping needs. Thanks to GPS and IoT units on vehicles, consumers can track the movement of shipped products online. 

Due to the arrival of affordable virtual assistants, consumers do not even need to press buttons for placing their orders. With products like Amazon Echo and Apple Siri, verbalizing an order is the latest trend. Put simply, internet-connected devices are already playing a pivotal role in order placement and fulfillment. 

Addressing Customer Grievances With The Help Of IoT and Machine Learning 

In today’s era of intense competition, consumers show very little patience. They need a quick resolution for all their problems. Unresolved queries and concerns can result in unhappy customers as well as an impact on the brand’s reputation. Thankfully, advancement in technology can help in enhancing customer service even in spite of limited human resources. 

At present, consumers facing problems with products or services need to either call up the company or use the online chatbot option to get a solution for the challenge. However, within the next few years, the combination of IoT, ML, and AI would be able to identify on-going issues and resolve them automatically.

Connected devices can enhance offerings and take the CRM Platform to the next level

From detecting and repairing major malfunctions, detecting and diagnosing packet loss on the network, to automatically reordering printer ink, as well as coffee powders, several IoT powered smart products have already reached the market. 

Connected devices would automatically register complaints before the customer even notices the problem. During the coming months, customer service would become pro-active instead of reactive. 

Use Of Technology For Offering Personalization 

Connected devices can collect a vast amount of data and transmit the information within seconds. It helps firms to detect customer behavior and predict trends. Such information allows brands to come up with tailored offers and marketing campaigns. Businesses can analyze trends and sense business opportunities in urban as well as remote areas. 

When it comes to case studies, the tie-up between electric vehicle charging station vendor ChargePoint and BMW is worth studying. Customers who buy electric cars from BMW get the opportunity to sign-up for a free account with ChargePoint. The company issues a smart keychain tag for every customer’s vehicle. Besides changing the vehicle battery, ChargePoint offers data about the car’s health via their app. Drivers can keep track of the miles driven, the locations visited, and details about routes, etc. 

The stats displayed in the app can pinpoint the exact amount of money saved by the vehicle. The real-time data presented in the app offer assurance about the vehicle’s health to the driver so that he or she can drive confidently.

On the other hand, the service station gathers the car’s performance data that proves to be helpful for BMW. The car marker uses comprehensive information for monitoring component performance and audience segmentation. It helps in creating personalized data-driven campaigns as per the target’s usage pattern.

Even Rolls-Royce uses the Internet of Things technology for monitoring and improving the performance of its commercial aircraft engines. The sensors help in planning maintenance operations. The technology is assisting airline companies in saving valuable time as well as resources that were earlier deployed for the same task.

Use Of Technology For Revolutionizing Customer Experience At Retail Stores 

Digital stores are using data to improve the customer experience. However, even retail, brick-and-mortar chains are not much behind when it comes to embracing technology. They are using smart mirrors, smart cameras, and augmented as well as virtual reality for transforming the way stores function. 

Several fashion retailers have adopted smart mirrors to offer a virtual feel for the product. While at the brick and mortar store, buyers can ‘try-on’ the product digitally on the smart mirror without entering the changing room. 

When department store chain Macy’s thought about offering excellent shopping experience to consumers even at smaller stores, they embraced the Virtual Reality technology. The firm provides VR shopping experience to customers at 70 of their stores in the US. Macy’s iOS app uses AR and VR for allowing users to take a glimpse at the way their new furniture would look when placed in various areas of their house. 

Walmart revamped its mobile application last year to offer a great in-store shopping experience. Whenever a customer enters a Walmart store, the app turns on its ‘store assistant’ mode. It provides a list of products available in various departments, unique offer details, and in-store maps with the location for multiple items. Customers can access Walmart Pay and make payments as well. 

Put simply, the IoT, as well as other technologies, are helping firms in gathering product performance as well as usage data to enhance the products further. Are you searching for a trustworthy IoT development company that offers IoT development services to firms in various sectors? You can discuss your project details with Smart Sight Innovations. The firm provides IoT application development services. Their team of engineers has considerable experience in implementing IoT projects.

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