Choosing the Right Database for Your Enterprise Mobile Application

There is a constant need for organizations to innovate and scale the existing business model to accommodate the growing demand of the customers. In this evolving digital world, it is important to create a unique customer experience with  personalized offerings. The best way to achieve this is to build applications with database development services to have seamless data management.

Whether you are unhappy with your current database, which is not giving you the expected results or whether you are trying to build a new application, choosing the correct database is an indispensable part to ensure a satisfactory customer experience. The database is the main part of a software application and it can nurture excellent relations with customers and prospects. It helps to gather all pertinent information of individuals and organizations in one place, and if not managed properly, data in an organization can become difficult to control.

What is a Database?

Before understanding the database, you should understand what data means. Data can be any fact related to an object in consideration like height, age, weight, or even image, picture, file, etc. The database involves a systematic collection of all such data and storing and manipulation of the data.

It is essentially a data structure that makes an organized collection of structured data or information. The data collected is usually electronically stored in a computer system. Most databases have many tables modeled in a series of rows and columns.

For instance, the database of a company may include tables for products, financial records, employees, etc. A Database Management System or DBMS generally controls the database. The data, the DBMS, and the application associated with them together form a database system and it is known by the database in a shortened form.

What are the Types of Databases?

There are five types of databases and these are: 

  • Relational Database: Among all types of databases, it is the most common. A Relational database stores data in the form of tables and there is a unique key field for each table that connects to the other table. Thus all tables can relate to each other with several key fields. Relational databases find wide applications in different industries including the IT sector.
  • Operational Database: Operational database includes a customer database, a personal database, and an inventory database. All databases cover information about the quantity of the product the company has and it also provides information about the buyers. Based on the requirement of the company, it is possible to manipulate and change the data of the different operational databases.
  • Data Warehouses: Many organizations need to keep relevant data for a long period. Companies may need to use the data for comparing performances, analyzing results or benchmarking etc. It is possible to store all selected data of the previous years in a large data warehouse. Since all stored data has already passed the process of integration, editing, and screening, it will not require any more screening.
  • Distributed Database: Many organizations may have different offices located at different locations. It can be a manufacturing plant, a head office with multiple regional offices, etc. In a distributed database, there can be one set of a database in each workgroup that forms the main database for the company.
  • End-user Database: Different end-users in an organization need to collect information from the database for querying, updating or generating reports. Each workstation may act as a small shared database that may include word files, spreadsheets, presentations, and downloaded files, etc.

What is the Need for a Database Development Service?

Database development and management remains the key for the efficient handling of data between various departments and within a business. For this reason, you need to have an able partner who is proficient in developing a database system that meets your business needs. You can even hire a custom database development company to get a fully customized database system that can carry your business ahead.

The key services that you can get form a database development service are as follows:

  • Database Strategy Planning: With proper strategic planning in database development, your present marketing efforts can get a boost. It can help you to gain high visibility for your business.
  • Designing and Developing Database Architecture: A good database development service knows how to build the design for the database for a website or application. It can determine the performance of the software and help to provide optimal performance.

Also Read: Which Are The Common Mistakes In Database Designing That Developers Should Avoid?

  • Database Monitoring: The monitoring and management of the database can be extremely important for the proper development of a database. A professional database development service can offer invaluable service for monitoring the performance, security, functionality and workability of the database.
  • Database Backup And Recovery: An expert database development service can also provide backup for databases, as well as recovery solutions. It can reduce the backup time and also reduce the administrative and infrastructure cost.
  • Synchronization and Replication: In case you are deploying applications or websites for various data centers, you should be able to synchronize and replicate the applications. The service of a professional database development agency can help you to achieve this objective.

How To Choose The Right Database For Mobile Apps?

It is a long-term and vital decision to choose the right database for your application as making any change at a later point can be very difficult. It is wise to take the help of a professional database development company to ensure that you are on the right track.

You should consider the following factors while choosing a database for your application:

  • Data Structure: The selection of the right data structure for a database is important to store and retrieve the data easily. It will take more time for an application to retrieve data from a database if you do not select the right data structure.
  • Amount Of Data For Storing: What amount of data you need to store and retrieve for your critical applications is also an important factor to consider for choosing a database. Therefore, you should choose a database after considering your total data volume generated by an application at a given point of time.
  • Scalability and Speed: The speed and scalability of a database will decide what speed you can read the data from a database and write the data to a database. There are some databases specially designed for read-heavy applications while there can be other databases designed for write-heavy solutions.
  • Data Accessibility: How many people will simultaneously access data is another important consideration for the selection of a database. If the database does not pay attention to the accessibility and computation factor by simultaneous users, it can fail to perform properly while handling large loads of data.
  • Data Modeling: It can help to map the features of the application into a data structure. With a conceptual model, it can help to identify the entities, the attributes of the entities, and the relationship of the entities. It can help to select the right type of database required to serve an application.

Safety And Security Of Data: It is of utmost importance to check the level of security that a database can produce. The data stored in the database should be safe as there can be cases where the data stored remains highly confidential. Therefore, you should have a highly secure database having adequate safety measures even in case of a system failure.

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