Here are factors to be considered while choosing technologies for web applications

Technology stack or tech stack consists of a set of web development tools, including programming languages, libraries, and app frameworks. The collection needs to be created after carefully analyzing the IT idea. The web application’s functionality, scalability, viability, competitiveness, and maintenance requirements depend on how various elements in the technology stack work together.  

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial not just to ensure superb UI and flexible UX, but also to improve the client’s business. The end-product needs to be secure, stable, and maintainable.  

Front-end and Back-end  

Technology stacks can be divided into two parts, front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side). The front-end part involves every aspect that the user sees and interacts with while using the web app. On the other hand, the back-end components transmit the data input received from front-end elements to the server.  

Examples for front-end technologies are JavaScript, CSS, HTML / HTML5, and UI-frameworks as well as libraries like jQuery, Node.js, AngularJS, and React, etc. Back-end technologies include programming languages, web servers, operating systems, and databases. 

Here are some crucial factors for selecting the best components and developing the most suitable web application. 

  • The size and features to be included in the project 

While selecting the technology, engineers consider the size and purpose of the project as crucial factors. The tech stack for a large project often becomes complicated and broad due to the big list of components. 

Node.js or Python-Django stacks can be sufficient enough for single-page applications. Medium-size projects require complex technical stacks consisting of several layers of frameworks and programming languages.  

Larger projects, like enterprise applications or online marketplaces, need to maintain a certain level of performance and integrity. Thus, they need a sizable technical stack with several programming languages and frameworks that can handle a large amount of data.  

  • Resources and the number of experienced developers 

Clients may insist and urge developers to implement new technology in the app. However, using a new tech element in the tech stack requires deep architectural experience. Knowing the ins and outs of the selected components is essential. In most cases, new programming languages are raw in the developing stage, and do not have sufficient community support as well as proper documentation for developers.

Developers should move forward with existing technology rather than spending a large amount of time in gaining insights about new technology. Thus, engineers should give preference to technologies that they are confident about using. If developers are comfortable with the technology, they can quickly tweak features and fix bugs during the testing phase.

While there’s no doubt that ineffective and outdated technology needs to be replaced, one should be mindful of taking the middle ground. If a firm chooses a new technology, the team is better served to have a specialist who has practical expertise in the said technology, rather than choosing a new element just to impress the client when there are no in-house developers who can resolve issues, if and when they arise. 

If you plan to outsource your project to an IoT App development company, make sure their in-house team has engineers with relevant experience to work on technologies that you have selected.  

  • Overall development time allotted for the project 

At times, engineers may get a short window to develop the web app. In such situations, the development time can be drastically reduced by using ready-made solutions and third-party integrations in the tech stack.  

  • Level of security 

The level of security required in the web app is another crucial factor that needs proper consideration. Cybersecurity is one of the primary concerns for both government and private corporations. Financial losses caused due to data breaches worldwide are worth billions of dollars in revenue and there is also the additional stigma of loss of reputation. Unfortunately, no programming language assures 100 percent security. But, a combination of elements in the tech stack can help in creating a secure app. It is advisable to ensure the app is designed as per security guidelines set by the framework developers to minimize vulnerabilities. 

Developers need to include technologies that provide data security in the tech stacks if the website is expected to deal with highly sensitive data. The framework needs to be top rated for safety if the site offers an online payment option.  

Engineers should consider running security tests on front and back-end components at regular intervals to ensure there are no security threats. 

  • The scalability factor 

The scalability factor depends on the architecture and codebase. The tech stack would permit incorporating new tools as well as new frameworks as and when required if the app architecture supports re-usability, portability, and scalability. A programming language with a codebase that’s easy to maintain and reusable should be given priority. It should not be very long nor a concise one.

The application should offer horizontal and vertical scalability. Horizontal scalability ensures the app works on multiple types of devices and can manage to remain on track even in case of an increase in the number of users. On the other hand, vertical scalability is the app’s ability to add new elements and features in the future. 

  • The development and maintenance cost

Both costs depend entirely on the elements in the technology stack. Developer’s charges vary depending on their work experience, the web app’s complexity, and the overall time required for the development. 

Besides development charges, some clients also give significance to maintenance costs. When it comes to maintenance, opting for open-source technologies can help save annual expenses. Such frameworks can be updated without much restriction and associated costs. 

Developers should discuss the web app idea with the client in detail before going to the drawing board. Clear and understandable specification from the client can help developers to plan expenses and prepare a precise estimate on day one. Changing the idea in the middle of development is a strict NO, as it can lead to a higher development cost.

You should discuss your project with the specialists at Smart Sight Innovations if you are searching for a trustworthy web and mobile app development company.

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