How Smart IoT Lays the Foundations for the Future?

Have you ever wondered how buildings would look like in the future? With oddly shaped buildings and differently structured sky-scrapers, imagination definitely has no bounds, but you don’t have to travel in time to know what the future might look like. With the Internet of Things (IoT), it’s almost possible to foresee a major part of what is likely to happen in the future.

In fact, taking the example of two buildings in Amsterdam and Berlin, you can actually take a guess of how the future will shape up to be in terms of buildings and outlook. These buildings give you an extremely realistic yet almost magical insight with all its technological features.

So, what is  IoT, which has become such a buzzword over the last few years? IoT refers to the Internet of Things. As the nomenclature suggests, it aims at connecting the billions of devices used around the globe to the internet in order to collect and share data over a network without any human interaction.

A “thing” in terms of IoT can be considered as a built-in sensor in a vehicle that would alert the driver or the owner about low air pressure in the tires, a GPS sensor which alerts the owner on his cellular device that his vehicle is going out of the allowed territory set by him or a person with a fitness band which alerts him/her that they have been sitting idle for too long! “Thing” in a more technical term, is anything that is assigned an IP address and is programmed with the ability to transfer data over any network.

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The IoT set-up requires a smart device that has the ability to connect to the web and is embedded with sensors, processors and hardware which can collect, send and also perform actions based on the data it has been acquiring from the web-enabled environment. The device shares this data collected by the sensors to a gateway so that the data can be analyzed locally or can be sent to the cloud. The devices are configured in such a way that they can also connect and communicate with other related devices and act on the data received without any human intervention. IoT as a tech and service is here to stay for the long run, and here a few of the applications of IoT that have many tech experts excited:

1. Predictions about the future of IoT:

As per projections of the statistic Research Department, more than 75 Billion devices are going to be connected with IoT worldwide by 2025, which shows that IoT Development Companies will have an upper hand over all others. Another prediction regarding IoT devices is that over the next decade, IoT devices will grow at an increased speed of 33% which will change the applications of smart devices. While any smart IoT system may not be safeguarded, the router will help in the protection of the access point in the website with passwords and firewalled networks, and configure them to allow only certain devices on your network.

2. Smart Home Automation:

With the ever increasing preciseness in smart doors, smart houses and connected devices, it is predicted that by 2030, it is very much plausible to have a complete eco-system of home automation with full access that is limited to families only for safety purposes. What is even more exciting is the fact that it can be 10 times more advanced and safer than current standards and it will almost be a norm for a huge audience to afford smart homes which is very much of a luxury right now.

Read More: How To Protect Your Smart Home And IoT Devices?

3. Smart Wearable Technology:

Bands and smartwatches that we count as smart devices today are going to be just the beginning. However, IoT Development Services reveal that smart wearables often lack the convenience and feasibility that the devices in general have. Though the numbers of smart wearable inventions are definitely going up in a huge number it might not have as lasting an impact as other foundations.

4. Connected Vehicles:

Connectivity is going to be one of the biggest foundations in the coming years, reveals an IoT Development Company. Whether it is tracking real-time traffic, mapping routes or connecting seamlessly to entertainment sources, connected vehicles have a major role to play towards technological advancement of IoT. This foundation is more important because it can benefit a large number of audiences through public transport systems and help scores of people on a regular basis to travel safer, faster and in an extremely convenient manner.

Read More: How Is IoT Technology Aiding In Public Safety Efforts?

5. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT):

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the interconnection of sensors, instruments and other devices or gadgets that are networked together with computers and applications for technological advancement with an eye on possible future developments. According to many IoT Development Services, this field has one of the widest chances to expand its technological scope and hence, exists as the most beneficial and exciting field in the next decade. While maintaining a strong focus on Machine to Machine approach also known as M2M, machine learning and big data, the Industrial Internet of Things is slated to be immensely reliable as well scrupulously efficient by 2030.

6. Smart Cities:

Smart Cities have a major influence in the future, predict many IoT Development Services, with advanced infrastructure and implementation of state-of-the-art IoT features that enable and support energy-efficient and environment-friendly infrastructure that can not only help in technological, but also environmental advancement such as turning on street lights when someone walks past them. Cities will have the freedom to choose from 17 measures to stimulate the effects of air quality for 3 or 5 days and individuals can help many in the understanding and functioning of activities for the future.

So, with these foundations that have been taken from the Internet of things, the future has many surprises saved for us which is both exciting and appealing. We as humans, are well aware of the fact that each day, we are going a step closer to a future where we could be experiencing things that we could never have even imagined. From smart cities to advanced infrastructure to connected vehicles, it is going to be a blast and the future has many good things in store for us! Let’s wait and watch what the future holds for us with the help of IoT.

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